The 411 | PLT

20 Positive Reminders

It is incredibly easy to fall into a slump of anger, sadness, or anxiousness whilst we go into another week of uncertainty in lockdown. If you are in a slump or looking for something to brighten your mood, we’ve got you covered gal. We’ve rounded up our top 20 positive reminders to give you or your friends or family a little pick me up to realise you’re doing great.

20 Positive Reminders

Keep scrolling for some positive reminders to help keep you motivated and kick off your week to a great start!


#1 I can do hard things. I can overcome obstacles, figure things out and persevere.


#2 My life isn’t perfect, but there is always something to be grateful for.


#3 My life helps me feel hopeful and motivated.


#4 My feelings and needs are valid. I don’t have to justify them.


#5 Baby steps adds to big changes.


#6 I am empowered to make my own choices and do what’s right for me, even if others don’t support me.


#7 I am not responsible for how other people feel or act.


#8 It’s not selfish to take care of myself.


#9 Speaking up is a form of self-respect.


#10 Stepping out of my comfort zone is an opportunity for growth.


#11 Critising or punishing myself won’t help me to be a better person.


#12 I can’t control everything that happens to me, but I can control my responses.


#13 I will only surround myself around people who bring the best out of me.


#14 I accept and love myself, just the way I am.


#15 I have the power to accomplish my dreams.


#16 My body is strong, my mind is brilliant, my soul is fulfilled.


#17 Everyday I am moving closer to my dreams.


#18 I can celebrate small wins, whilst keeping my eyes on the end goal.


#19 I may not know what the future holds, but my present self is laying the foundation for my future’s self successes.


#20 I am enough.