The 411 | PLT

5 Things You Have To Do This Summer

With the weather warming up this week, we can’t help but plan out every single day in Summer. Just because we have jobs and responsibilities, it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our Summer like we used to when we were carefree kids.


Make summer great again with our must do list below:


1# Festivals.

With a strong female lineup, you’d be crazy to miss glasto this year. If you weren’t lucky enough to bag tickets, thrown your own mini-festival. Either give your house a festival makeover or venture out to the nearest place that serves alcohol to a) save your house being filled with muddy prints and b) save you having to clean up after. Invite the squad round with a glasto themed dress code and watch your fave acts on the TV and don’t forget the alcohol, obvs.


2# Outdoor activities.

Make the most of the sun this year and find an outdoor class of your preferred workout. Either stick with your fave activity or get creative and try something new. If working out isn’t really your thing go for something a little more adventurous. From rooftop yoga to rock climbing and running, the outdoors is your oyster.


3# Host a wine tasting party.

You don’t have to be a wine connoisseur to host a wine tasting party. All you need is a range of different wines and a group of friends that enjoy drinking it as much you, which we can’t imagine is that hard to find. If you’re looking another reason to host a wine tasting party, remember all the wine that’s leftover is just for you. Take full advantage of the whole wine enthusiast thing and create your own cheese board platter, the smellier the better.


4# Glamping.

If you’re looking for something adventurous but not too outdoorsy, then glamping is for you. Camping purists may sneer but glamping is here to stay. So, if you haven’t tried it already ‘rough’ it in one of the cosy glamping pods complete with a jacuzzi and electricity. Before you book it make sure you know what you want out of your experience first. Are you looking for a relaxing weekend for two or a booze-filled one with the squad?


5# Read a book.

Hopefully, we are lucky enough to get lots of good tanning weather this year. Instead of scrolling through the gram while you catch those rays, save your phone’s battery and relax with a book. If you aren’t much of book worm, try a book of your fave series or film. We can guarantee your chill levels will be 100%.