The first glimpse of the sun and all we can think about is Summer. And you know what that means. It’s almost time to start the search for the perfect prom dress. And when we say dress, what we actually mean is the dress and shoes and jewellery and clutch (to keep that all important flask in). Whilst the look is obvs the most important part, there’s some other pretty memorable moments, too. Here’s a roundup of 7 things that always happen at prom.
#1 – Before you can even think about setting off for prom (fashionably late might we add), your Dad needs to take approximately 2000 photos of you and your friends in the back garden. In fact, there’s a whole sea of Dads waiting to take pics. Is this what being a celebrity is like?
#2 – Choosing a cringey ride to prom is arguably one of the best parts of the whole experience. Limos are SO 2010, we prefer getting the bus now, a la Charli XCX.
#3 – Some unoriginal copycat will wear your dress. It’s okay though, style it out, keep dancing. Act like you don’t care and nobody else will. If this were in a magazine, you’d win the ‘who wore it better’ errrytime.
#4 – There will always be one girl who thinks she is the literal Queen and dresses accordingly. Well not THE literal Queen, we love Lizzie but she ain’t exactly a prom style icon.
#5 – Everyone is gettin’ down and having the best time on the dancefloor. Until a slow dance song comes on, that is. AWKS. (It’s okay though, there’ll always be that one guy who thinks he’s got the moves and carries on anyway..)
#6 – You WILL take off your shoes. A girl can only take so much twerking in heels before her feet hurt. Fact.
#7 – Someone will get tooooo turnt at the afterparty. And if you can’t imagine who that someone would be, it’s probably you. Sorry, babe. At least you’re not the only one – your bestie is right there with ya.