The 411 | PLT

Ashley Graham On Body Confidence And Positive Affirmations


Ashley Graham; queen of body positivity and inspirational role model.

Also, the face of our new campaign.

We caught up with her to talk her new collection, how she practises that all-important self-love and role models we should all be looking up to.


What are you most excited about with this collaboration?

The fact that it is size inclusive and so sexy. It’s for day time, it’s for night time, it’s for all the right times honey.


What does the hashtag #EveryBODYinPLT mean to you?

The hashtag #EveryBODYinPLT means ALL y’all can be up in this collection. Whether you’re a size 6-26, holla at you girl, this is for you.


Why do you think championing body confidence is so important?

Women around the world struggle with body confidence every single day. Sometimes I wake up and don’t want to go and have to face the world because I’m not feeling my best but just remember you are not alone. There are hashtags you can check out of other people on social media who are talking about and sharing their journey and their feelings that they’re going through every day as well.

When you’re doubting yourself and not feeling your best I just say look at yourself and give yourself affirmations to make yourself feel better. Mine are, I am bold, I am brilliant and I am beautiful and I am worthy of all.


What item of clothing could you not live without?

One item of clothing I can never live without is a little black dress. Whether I want my look to be skin tight, boobs out, covered up, they work for everything. Just give me a little black dress.


Who are your biggest role models?

Two of my biggest role models are my mom and Cathy Ireland. My mom because she’s always been strong and pushed me to be the best woman I am and Cathy Ireland because she is a billion dollar mogul. She started off as a model and look at her now.


What is happiness to you?

Happiness to me is enjoying food. All the time.

What would you tell your younger self?

I get this question all the time but to my younger self I would say; chill out girl. Everything is going to happen for you and it’s just down to timing. You can’t handle everything that you want right now but when you’re ready it will all fall into place. So remember patience is a virtue and just chill out.


Finish this sentence; all women…

I say; all women can and all women will. So watch out for us honey.


Shop PrettyLittleThing Starring Ashley Graham