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Cosy Winter Ideas For You And Your Other Half

In the run-up to the festive season, money gets a little tight. You have to plan everything and pay out more than usual, things just get hectic.

You may feel like you’re neglecting your relationship by no fault of your own. Why not treat your other half to a cosy treat? Rekindle as much as you can in the week over this busy period.

Cosy Winter Ideas For You And Your Other Half

Keep it cheap and cheerful with their favourite experiences, the littlest things go a long way, it’s the thought that counts!


#1 Cook their favourite meal

Invite them round and surprise them or ask them you need a key to theirs so you surprise them there instead. Sometimes staying in with your favourite meal and film is just as nice as going out and it’s definitely more thoughtful!



#2 Relive your first date

Go back to the beginning and experience that first date again! How cute, especially if it’s around the anniversary date. Make a weekend of it, combine the first 3 dates that you had.



#3 Leave them a note

If they leave for work before you leave them an uplifting note telling them how amazing they’re and how happy you’re that you have each other.



#4 Binge watch a new show

Suggest a few new series you have seen that you know they will be into and make sure you watch this together. Hangover Sunday’s? Cold winter nights? Both sound ideal. Must watch favourites at the moment are Sinner 1 & 2, Haunting of Hill House and Alienist.



#5 Spa day together

Find a deal online, you can find loads of online sites offering discounts on spa nights and weekends. Spend some quality time with each other relaxing. Maybe it could be a Christmas present to your other half? Tie it all in!