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Dating Do’s and Don’ts We’ve Learnt From Love Island


We can’t believe it, but Love Island 2021 is coming to an end next week *cries*


Dating Do’s & Don’ts We’ve Learnt From Love Island


After a summer full of cracking on, heads turning and Jake reminding us all Liberty is his girlfriend, we’ve been reflecting on some of the most iconic LI moments.

From Jordan cracking on with India TWO DAYS after making Anna his GF, to Georgia reminding us all how ‘loyal’ she is and Tommy restoring our faith in men – it’s safe to say we’ve learnt a thing or two from the villa…


Let’s reminisce together and peep below some of our fave dating do’s and don’ts the Islanders have taught us.


Do: Keep their childhood toy as a reminder when you’re apart

Casa Amore is the biggest test for the Islanders, but not for Tommy and our girl Molly-Mae.

After days apart and the worry he might be cracking on with someone else, Tommy spent their days apart having some quality time with the infamous Ellie Bellie – Molly’s childhood toy.

Returning to the villa and Ellie Bellie being nowhere in sight, Mol thought the worst – only to come outside to see him stood at the firepit waiting for her with her beloved elephant in hand. If that’s not romance, we don’t know what is!


Don’t: Have a screaming match when you don’t have all the facts

It’s safe to say Faye is definitely one of the most fiery contestants the villa has ever seen, and though it makes for great TV, we wouldn’t recommend following in her footsteps!

Her infamous screaming match with Teddy had viewers gobsmacked after the Casa Amore postcard left the girls SHOOK, even if it wasn’t an accurate representation of what actually happened.

In Faye’s eyes Teddy was unfaithful and she let everyone in Majorca know her thoughts on it, only to back track days later once she was given all the facts and realised he actually didn’t do anything wrong… awks!


Do: A ‘Love Actually’ style gesture to ask to be exclusive

Tyler and Kaz have definitely had a whirlwind romance this season thanks once again to Casa Amore.

After rekindling in the villa and coupling up again, Tyler wanted to prove how much he cared for Kaz and went all out to ask her the most important question – not to be his girlfriend, but to be ‘exclusive’.

In true Love Actually style, Tyler had us all swooning at his adorable gesture and we’ll only accept such displays of affection moving forward x


Don’t: Repeatedly go on about how ‘loyal’ you are

“I’m loyal babe!” But, you’re really not…

Georgia branded the word ‘loyal’ during her time in the villa after Josh came back coupled up with Joanna and she was left single at the firepit. Viewers were fully Team G, until she did a full 180.

Georgia was then accused of kissing Jack Fowler who was coupled up with Laura yet denied denied denied and reiterated her loyalty – even though she did kiss him. If you’re not loyal, don’t pretend your are.


Do: A speech in front of everyone declaring your feelings and how sorry you are

Liam broke the hearts of Millie and the nation when he kissed Lillie at Casa Amore and was in the dog house big time.

Despite Millie telling him exactly where to go, Liam was determined to prove just how much he cared for her and regretting everything that happened when he was out of the villa.

After a stunning performance from Mabel, Liam took to the stage and declared his feelings for Millie in front of everyone, apologising for how sorry he was and how he’s going to do everything he can to win her back. Luckily for him, Milliam are back and better than ever and we’d be lying if we didn’t love them together.


Don’t: Ask someone to be your GF then two days later try and crack on with someone else

Two days? TWO DAYS!

After Jordan asked Anna to be his girlfriend two days prior, he then found no issue in pulling India for a chat and trying to crack on with her – are you okay Jordan hun?

India friendzoned him massively which was shortly followed by Anna going off at her new ‘boyfriend’ with all the girls backing her up. Safe to say if you’re wanting to chat to other girls, don’t make someone else your gf days before…


Do: Protect your partner when someone is ready to kick off with them

After all the drama with Jiberty this season, the girls confided in their partners on their thoughts about Jake’s intentions with Liberty.

Chloe’s told Toby how she feels Jake’s acting up to the cameras and only told Lib he loved her after being put on the spot, telling Lib ‘what she wanted to hear’.

The girls told Liberty their thoughts on the situation, which of course she discussed with Jake. Jake then went OFF to the boys asking whose been putting these thoughts in his gorlfriend’s head, put Toby kept his mouth shut. Throwing his girl under the bus because Jake saw red and was kicking off? No chance, we can’t not stan.


Don’t: Brags to your mates about your partner being “all mouth or not”

What should’ve been a lovely night in the hideaway for Maura and Tom soon turned sour after the disgusting remarks he made to the boys.

Maura was never precious about her promiscuous side (as she shouldn’t be), so when they were guaranteed a night alone Tom took it upon himself to ask the question whether Maura would be ‘all mouth or not’ ew.

Luckily Maura overheard and gave us one of the most iconic arguments in Love Island history, putting Tom right in his place. If you’re thinking of discussing the sexual behaviours of the person you’re seeing, don’t.


Do: Bring your partner an ice coffee in the morning

Love Island 2021 has definitely been the year of the iced coffees and we are HERE for it.

Every morning, the girls head to the terrace to discuss the antics of the night before and how everyone’s feeling today.

Like clockwork in come the boys with the girls’ first brew of the day, then swiftly leave to let the girls continue their chats. Even if they’re not quite Starbucks level, we’re living for it.


Don’t: Prioritise making other people a coffee over cuddling your partner

In the same breath, if your coffee run is coming before you spending time in bed with your partner, then you need to sort out your priorities…

One of the most meme-worthy clips to date is when Amy was telling Curtis how she wanted them to have a cuddle in bed in the morning, but his shift as the villa barista was just far too important for that.

He wanted to be the person who made everyone a coffee in the morning so they were ready for the day, which Amy aptly responded with ‘okay’ – what did he expect her to say?! If putting the kettle on is more important than spending a few more minutes in bed with your partner, you might want to have a think about where your loyalties lie!