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Hanging With: Karen Blanchard

Made in London but now living in New York, blogger and street style photographer Karen Blanchard of Where Did U Get That is the Brit girl living the dream in the big city.

We caught up with her to talk all things style, trends and fashion week.


What inspired you to start your blog?

My day job. I used to die a slow death at my desk every day and I started the blog as a creative outlet to escape. It was my personal diary of sorts and gave me a place to talk about what I really loved and take my mind off my 9 to 5.


Describe your style in 5 words?

Experimental, tomboy, vintage, boho, uncomplicated.


What’s the highlight of fashion week for you?

When I see a new face dressed in a way that just stops me in my tracks. It’s nearly always someone wearing things that anyone could adopt too but they do it in a “why didn’t I think of that?” way.


Any other bloggers you’re looking forward to hanging with?

To be honest I like to fly in, shoot and fly out again although seeing familiar faces every season is one giant reunion that you didn’t have to organize.


Fave New York based designers?

This is going to sound odd but the best designers to me are the hundreds of unknowns walking the streets who create the looks that designers eventually are inspired by to formulate their future collections.


blogger karen blanchard of where did u get that blog street style


One trend you would never wear?

Preppy. That’s definitely not me.


Any Instagrammers you’ll be following over fashion week?

I like seeing what Tamu McPherson shoots! It’s always women who’s style I love too.


How do you balance seeing the shows with the unmissable after parties, early starts and late nights?

By being picky with the shows and events. You can’t be everywhere all the time or you’ll burn out and it’s not fun. Do a handful and rest in between with your feet up!


Fool proof way to get papped at fashion week?

Wear bright colors or clash prints in interesting unexpected combinations. Those two things alone tend to be very photographer bait worthy!


What do you think sets NYC apart from the other fashion weeks?

There’s a grit to NYC that I like to see translated in many attending the shows. Also the city streets have been used by designers as the back drop for their shows which they stage outdoors and it’s absolutely brilliant. You can’t get that urban feel or backdrop anywhere else.



Wanna look FROW ready? Shop New In

Images sourced from Where Did U Get That

Keep up with Karen here:

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