The 411 | PLT

Hanging With: Zara Martin

From DJ-ing at some of the hottest fash week parties to modeling to designing, there’s not much mega babe and influencer Zara Martin can’t do.

We caught up with her to talk all things fashion week, career highlights and being boss girl inspo.

Describe your style in 5 words?

Can I do three? Hair, heels and liner.

What’s one of your biggest career highlights to date?

DJ’ing at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix last year was a huge highlight for me.

What’s the highlight of fashion week for you?

I think being one of the first to see such amazing clothes and designs on the catwalk and in the presentations is very cool. I feel very lucky.

Fave London based designers?

Eudon Choi, Temperley and Vivienne Westwood.

One trend you would never wear?

Crocs! Are they even a trend?

Any Instagrammers you’ll be following over fashion week?

Caroline Issa @carolineissa, I follow her all year round and I will be paying close attention to Look Magazine @lookmagazine. I am doing a talk with them over LFW about fashion trends and style and I am very excited about that.

How do you balance seeing the shows with the unmissable after parties, early starts and late nights?

My rule for parties during LFW is allowing myself one cocktail only. When I get home after a LFW day, I make sure I hydrate and moisturise. The next morning for shows it is then all about sunglasses and concealer!

Fool proof way to get papped at fashion week?

I really don’t know the answer to that lol.

What do you think sets London apart from the other fashion weeks?

London is a lot less serious, anything goes here and there is no real definition of what fashion is.

From presenting to DJ-ing, designing and modelling you’ve slayed at so much already. How do you keep on top of/balance working on so many projects at once?

Well luckily they don’t all happen at the same time! I love that I work on so many different projects throughout the year; my attention span is very short so it keeps things super interesting for me!

How do you approach a new project? What’s your creative process?

It depends what it is. Generally I like to approach things with heaps of passion and enthusiasm; I think that’s really important. Also I like to share all my ideas, I actually often have to be reined in!

What’s next for Zara Martin?

I’d like to build my product lines. I have done jewellery and headphone collaborations so would love to expand on those.

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Images sourced from Google, Pinterest

Keep up with Zara here:

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