The 411 | PLT

How Emma Kehoe Lives Her Best Life

We’ve teamed up with blogger and fashion buyer Emma Kehoe. In honour of International Women’s Day, she gave us her take on all things body confidence, strong role models, and that much important self-love.

Emma Kehoe Talks Self-Love

Sit back and pay attention, our strong queen Emma Kehoe has some wise words for you to drink in. This is body positivity In Her Words.


We currently live in a society of Instragam likes and constantly comparing ourselves to others, whether we mean to or not. It can be so easy to get caught up in this culture when it is so accessible to us, but what we need to ask ourselves is; will even a million likes on Instagram ever be enough if you don’t like yourself? Surrounding ourselves with the heavy pressures of social media this every day can be so damaging not only for our soul but to our own self-confidence and body image too.

It’s not about the size you are but the way you wear your size.

I was one of those girls who loathed looking at themselves in the mirror in their underwear and the thought of getting into a bikini gave me serious anxiety.

When I was in my teens, all I remember is being aged 16 and being 16 stone and hating myself. At the time there wasn’t a lot of high street shop that stocked fashionable clothing in larger sizes which made me feel really down. Heading out with my friends on the weekend and never getting any attention from boys, something you feel is so important in your teenage years, really started to get to me.

One day I decided enough was enough and joined a local slimming club and set a goal for myself. Once people started noticing my weight loss and commenting on it, it really started to make me feel good about myself. Soon the lads started showing interest (something that was really new to me) my confidence really started to grow. But more than that, what I felt I really achieved from losing weight was a sense of accomplishment – something I always wanted in life and that was so rewarding to me. Not only did I lose 4 stone, I got this new lease of life, learned to put myself first and gained so much self-confidence.

It was like the ‘REAL ME’ had finally come out as “she” had been in hiding for so long.

Now fifteen years on I look back on how far I have come and how much I have grown to love myself and am proud. But don’t get me wrong, this all came with years of working on myself. Going to the gym regularly, learning to eat right and with the fashion world injecting model versatility into it and embracing women for all different shapes, I became even more confident to own my body and work with what I have got, not what I haven’t.

The Right Role Models

There are two women in particular who encouraged me to embrace this new way of thinking. One of these ladies being Ashley Graham, the first plus-size women to grace the cover of USA’s Sports Illustrated magazine and rock the runway. Ashley is a modern day siren for us curvy women and she oozes sex appeal. The next is model Iskra Lawrence who I have followed for some years now and not only does she embrace her body, she doesn’t allow any of her Instagram photos to be retouched in any way to enhance her image. She has also called out personal body shaming via her Instagram.

The key thing these two amazing ladies both have in common? Body confidence.

They both have sex appeal, femininity and embrace empowerment at its finest and do so owning every inch of their skin. Both of these ladies are strong role models for women. They helped me to own my body and accept it for what it is and not what society tells me it “should” be.

Here are some five top tips which I live by and have helped me so much through those down days we all go through. It’s just about getting yourself back up on the horse and striving to accomplish the next hurdle about to come at you, whether that’s trying that bikini on for the first time, or going to the gym or wearing that crop top you’ve never dared wear before. Own it, girl!

At the end of the day ladies, it all starts with embracing and loving our bodies as the best project you will ever work on is YOURSELF!

Lot’s of love,

Emma x

Read Emma’s blog // Follow Emma on Instagram