The 411 | PLT

How To Be Good To Yourself

Looking after yourself should be everyone’s number one priority. Putting your own well-being first is NOT being selfish – it’s exactly what you should be doing and never apologise for that.


How To Be Good To Yourself


We get that the stresses of work, studies, and people around you can sometimes mean you neglect your own well-being. WELL, here is where we come in and give you some little tips on how to be good to yourself.


#1 Get moving



Exercise is sooooo good for us. It can relieve stress and leave you feelin’ hella refreshed. There are so many great ways to get moving and whichever is your favourite, keep at it! Oh, and make sure you do it in style with our activewear range.



# 2 Embrace the outdoors



If you can’t afford a gym membership, make the best of nature’s gym and embrace the great outdoors. Doing something simple like heading out for a walk is a great means of catching up with friends if you take one with you, keeping fit and they’re refreshing for the mind. We may not have the best weather here in the UK but when you get a crisp but sunny day take advantage of it, wrap up and get outside!



#3 Know yourself



Keeping up with some trends is hard, boring and costly. Embracing your own style makes YOU stand out from the crowd! Everyone should wear what they want to wear, not what you saw the latest celeb in. Feeling content, confident and proud of your style is important and makes you unique. Get your style on point with our with new in today.



#4 Make time for that TLC



Rest and recovery is essential and is NOT being lazy. Having downtime is needed and never feel guilty about it! Whether you’ve smashed the gym all week, or had a crazy few days at work, rest is essential to help the body and mind recover. Listen to what your body is telling you.


#5 Do what you love



Whether it be spending some serious “you time” reading or watching your fave TV binge. Always tap into what makes you happy and give yourself what you need by doing the things you love, big or small.


#6 Get a hobby



Hobbies can be a great form of therapy for the mind, open you up to meeting like-minded people and just generally make a fun activity you can look forward to every week. If there’s a new skill you’ve always wanted to learn or something you fancy trying, now could be the time to push yourself to take the plunge.