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How To Survive Cuffing Season

The days are shorter, the weather is colder, no wonder you’re feeling like hibernating indoors with a blanket and endless Netflix on the sofa. September not only marks the turning point of season’s changing – it’s time to welcome you to cuffing season.

How To Survive Cuffing Season

Ever notice yourself yearning for a relationship as autumn starts? That’s all down to cuffing season!

Cuffing season begins when summer starts to wind down, the weather gets colder and shorter days mean prolonged indoor activity. The dreaded time every year where all you flirty and thriving singleton’s start to have (scary) thoughts about finding THE ONE so you can settle down for a winter full of cosy nights in.

Don’t fear. It is crucial to remember that finding a date for the winter is NOT the be all and end all of your life right now. If the thought of being single as the months pass you by sends you into emotional overdrive, remember, in an age of situationships, Hinge dates and a lack of genuine connections and communication, it’s harder than ever to find someone worthwhile holding onto.

Here’s our tips on how to survive the dreaded cuffing season.


Get Cuffed

Ok, an obvious one but, hey, it would pass the cold winter months, right? The trick here is to make sure it’s a positive relationship you actually want to be in and that you have the time and energy and emotional stability for it. If you’re not ready for that then let’s move on to one of our other tips here. 2020 has enough bad juju without adding a situationship into the mix.


Enjoy Your “You Time”

Pick an easy hobby you can get into and stick to it. Whether you used to be a keen reader and you’ve fallen out of love with it, the time is now to make time yourself. Put a pile together and read all those books you’ve been making lists of for years. Or get cosy and binge watch that series that always brings you joy. Sometimes just kicking back, relaxing and enjoying your “you time” is medicine for the soul.


Better Yourself

Level up and better yourself this 2020. The time is now to be creative and set yourself those achievable personal goals. Have you always wanted to write? Or make your own gin? Or paint? Go for it! Spend a week researching how to start, another few days gathering materials, and then jump in. You’ll feel amazing for it and there’s nothing better for the soul than doing something just for you that you’re passionate about.


Prioritise The Right People

Reach out to your close friends and family and prioritise them over the romantic relationship you think you want and need in your life. Having a few strong, supportive relationships with people you can rely on will improve your life much more than any new beau could. Your friends are the ones who have been there for you in the past and will continue to do so in the future so make time for them and invest time in them.


Have Fun

Have fun and date! There’s nothing wrong with looking to make genuine connections with people. Download dating apps, get yourself out there and enjoy meeting new people. Just remember to be honest and upfront with your wants, needs and intentions.