The 411 | PLT

MAKING IT…as a Creative Manager

Working in fashion means photo shoots, TV ads, and editorials, so of course we have to have someone leading the charge and making sure we’re all on point. Meet the creative brains behind the operation; Antonia.

Did you go to Uni?


Where did you go and what did you study?

I went to Salford and studied Styling and Image Making.

What made you want to work in Fashion?

My Mum used to dress me up like a doll every day. As young as 5 I would spend Saturdays in town shopping all day with her, trying on clothes and doing little catwalk shows in the changing rooms. She made me love clothes! I decided I had to work in a job that I loved and I loved nothing more than clothes and that way they make you feel!

How did you get to PrettyLittleThing?

I styled a shoot for PrettyLittleThing when it first started. The shoot was in Blackpool in the pouring down rain and that night on the train home I got a phone call offering me the full time job! I didn’t even have to think twice, I jumped at the opportunity!

Describe a day in the life of a Creative Manager…

I oversee all creativity here at PrettyLittleThing. So anything to do with photo shoots or TV adverts is my forte! Me and my team spend a lot of time planning and working together on the looks we want to create for the week and how we want the site to look. I begin every morning with a cup of tea and a quick recap through magazines and online to see what’s been happening in the fashion world in the last 24 hours. Depending on whether there is a shoot scheduled, I will finalise all looks with our stylist and photographer, and we will go through how we want the shoot to run that day. I then catch up with my amazing creative team! We run through what needs to be completed that day and I will sign off on anything that is ready to go live on site that week. The creative work at PrettyLittleThing is none stop and as soon as something is complete we will begin planning for the next shoot or ad! It truly is the most exciting place to work!

What’s been your most memorable moment so far?

My first advert at PrettyLittleThing! Words can’t describe how proud I felt when I saw all of my ideas come to life on set!

What are your top tips for someone working in the fashion industry?

Always dream big and never ever let anyone put you down. Always go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to be noticed, it is so important in such a competitive industry, you have to want it! Get as much experience on that CV as possible, that’s what gets you through the door!

What is your ultimate piece of Fresher’s advice?

Enjoy every moment and make memories that will make you smile every time!