The 411 | PLT

Pride Q&A with Ming & Olayka

Pride Q&A with Ming & Olayka

To celebrate the launch of PLT’s second Pride drop, we sat down with the faces of our campaign and dreamy couple, Ming and Olayka, to chat about spreading love, living a proud life and raising awareness of the LGBTQ+ community.


What does Pride mean to you?

M: Pride means to me everyone coming together in a safe space celebrating equality, an being able to be who they really are.

O: Pride means to me being able to un-apologetically express who I am with no limitations.


What would you recommend people do to help raise awareness of important issues that impact the LGBTQ+ community?

M: I would recommend people use their platforms to speak out! Not just when it’s a trend or Pride month but all year round. Speak up in the work place, speak up in your homes and make the uncomfortable…comfortable.

O: Allyship requires action. I’d recommend people take the time to educate themselves on LGBTQ+ history, stand with the LGBTQ+ community regardless of the month and encourage those around them to do the same.


Do you have a favourite feel-good Pride anthem or song?

M: My feel good pride song would be Lady saw- man ah di least!!

O: Neighbourhood – Zed Bias Feat. Nicky Prince & MC Rumpus


What are your favourite ways to celebrate Pride?

M: I like to celebrate pride by visiting as many pride events around the globe as possible! So far Atlanta has been the best.

O: Celebrating with all my friends and of course my wifey Ming!


Do you think it’s important for influencers and celebrities to help educate people about the history of Pride and the LGBTQ+ community?

M: Oh 100% yes I feel it is so important. Being an influencer is more than just posting photos of a good life, holidays and looks. We should be using our platforms to educate, encourage and help others. LGBTQ+ rights are still suppressed in many countries around the world and a large part of society still think that not being straight is a choice. It is our duty as influencers to try and help people to think about things from a different perspective. To highlight the struggles that generations before us fought so that Olayka and I can show our love and our relationship on this platform.

O: Absolutely! The LGBTQ+ community have a abundant history. Drag queens and trans people of colour have played a huge part in moulding popular culture as we know it. From words and phrases to style and fashion.


Five ways to show pride in everything you do…


Support LGBT art and culture

Attending pride events

Educating myself

Donating to local charities

Speaking out!


Support LGBTQ+ owned businesses

Attend LGBTQ+ events

Sign petitions

Support local charities

Educate the younger generation


What has been your favourite thing about working with PLT for the pride collection?

M: My favourite thing about working with PLT on the pride collection is that the whole team works WITH you, an doesn’t try to change or mould you into something you’re not. A company like this definitely brings the best out in people, which is also the main reason why I love working with you!

O: The fact that I can actually be myself and they work with me rather than trying to put me in a box (e.g. not trying to put me in a dress and heels!!)


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