The 411 | PLT

Talking Prom With PLT Sorority’s Lidia

Prom season is now and if you’re lucky enough to have a prom going on in your social calendar this season, you’re about to be making some big decisions on everything from what to wear to how to announce your arrival at the big event.

Talking Prom With PLT Sorority’s Lidia

To get in the spirit of prom, we caught up with each of our PLT Sorority girls to get their 411 on all things prom. First up, we talk to Lidia to talk dream dates, and why Tom Hardy is the one.


If not your significant other, who would your dream prom date be?

Tom Hardy is the one. His personality and charm equals = the dream date for me.

What would you wear to prom?

If I was to do prom all over again I would defo go for a more unique look, -why do the girls have to wear dresses? I think I would go for a pinstripe suit and glam it up with accessories and super chunky heels.

If you had to ask your crush to prom, how would you do it?

I mean I would be very surprised if Tom Hardy replied to one of my DM’s, but if I had to ask someone to prom I would probably just be super nice to them and hope they get the hint. If that doesn’t work then tempt them with food -who would refuse that?

How would you roll up to the big event?

I love vintage cars, so a 1964 Ford White Mustang would be a dreammm (plus I could get some fabulous insta pics with that baby in the background)

What song would you love to slow dance to?

I love Lana Del Rey so Lust for Life ft the Weeknd would be perf.

And what song would you get turnt to on the dancefloor?

Cardi B – Bodak Yellow because you know all the girls are gonna be rapping alongside you.

What would you do for the after party?

Have a house party and get my gals together. Get our comfy clothes on, with a takeaway and a few bottles of wine.

What drink would be in your hip flask?

Pink gin with soda is my new fave!

What’s your fave prom scene from a movie?

I’m not really a fan of musicals generally, however, we all know a High School Musical song off by heart right? The prom scene is so extra and Vanessa Hudgen’s dress is super cute!

Which iconic prom style from a movie do you love and why?

I would go for Vanessa Hudgens dress in HSM. It is so elegant and it isn’t your average long ball gown prom dress. Super short and sweet and fab for spinning around and pretending to be a princess in.


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