The 411 | PLT

Talking Well-being With: Hannah & Fitness

As part of our new year goals for 2018 we’re talking to fitness, health and well-being bloggers on what being the best you you can be means to them. First up in the series fitness and foodie blogger Hannah from Hannah & Fitness.


What does well-being mean to you?

Doing something that you love and that brings out the best in you. There’s no point trying to become better if you’re not loving the things you do with your life.

Where does your interest in fitness and healthy food come from?

I was never a keen fan of exercise when I was younger. In fact, I would always be the one who forgot her P.E kit on purpose at school and would park as close to the shops as possible! However, 3 years ago I decided that I wanted to switch up my life a little and become healthier, both physically and mentally. Before this, I was a typical student who went out every weekend, recuperated with a takeaway and had no motivation, at all!

Since involving myself with fitness and living a healthier lifestyle my motivation and drive has completely changed me as a person (really, it has!) and it’s that, that keeps me going. I completely love the person who I’ve become and how I challenge myself every single day – career, fitness and mentality wise.

Why do you think getting fit and eating well is so popular right now?

I honestly think it’s because of the hidden community that you can find within the industry – especially on social media! Plus, so many people are truly invested in a healthier lifestyle and once they know that fitness and eating well doesn’t have to be boring, or a chore, then it becomes a lot more welcoming.

Personally, I love the fitness industry because of the people involved in it, the motivation it provides and the challenges you can push yourself with. Fitness doesn’t have to be about running or lifting weights. It can be absolutely anything that gets you active and off your backside!

How do you boost your mood when you’re feeling low?

When I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or not too shabby I often will call it a day (if I can), put my laptop down and give myself some me time. This can be anything from going for a simple walk, painting my nails or taking letting some steam of at the gym. It’s amazing what a good sweat can do when you’re feeling a little low!

What’s your favourite cheat treat?

IÂ genuinely love healthy food but my favourite cheat meal would have to be pizza or Mexican food!

Where do you get your recipe inspo from?

Everywhere! Magazines, books, Pinterest, TV cook shows and of course, social media. I really love experimenting with my food so I will most likely find a picture of a recipe I like and then try to re-create it myself without looking at the ingredients/method… it’s a fun way of getting yourself to work with food actually!

What keeps you motivated to work out and keep in shape?

I always go out of my way to search for motivation! If one evening I’m not quite feeling the gym for the next day then I’ll simply pop on my Instagram (@hannahandfitness) and have a scroll through all my favourite fitness accounts. The motivation that some accounts can provide for you is amazing and that often does the trick for me! Otherwise, I just give myself a good talking to and remind myself how far I’ve come.

To stay in shape though, I always challenge my body with different exercises to keep myself progressing. I hate routine so I know that doesn’t work for me! I’ve recently started Crossfit and I absolutely love it. It’s by far the toughest fitness programme I’ve endured!

Share your favourite recipe with us?

It’s got to be my healthy and easy gingerbread recipe at the moment! I made them last week and I’ve been obsessed with them ever since. You can find the recipe for the lil’ fella’s here

What key ingredients should everyone always have in the kitchen?

For everyday food I would suggest oats, veggies, a good source of protein (for me that’s meat), nuts, herbs, dark chocolate (of course) and lentils! For baking cinnamon, ginger, flour (wholemeal and coconut flour are popular for me), agave nectar, eggs, coconut sugar and milk. Personally, I couldn’t go a day without those healthy ingredients!

What advice would you give to any newbies getting into health/fitness?
I know I’ve said this before but make sure you do what you love! Fitness isn’t just about running, lifting weights or going swimming. It can be so much more! It’s just about finding what works for you and what doesn’t. Trial and error almost everything you can. Don’t form an opinion on something until you’ve tried it!

I started my journey off with lots of cardio and I soon found that constant cardio wasn’t for me (or my joints!). Personally, I really love lifting weights, HIIT cardio, Crossfit and getting outside and going for long walks/hikes. Getting stuck into new ideas and mixing things up every now and then is a brilliant way to not only keep you motivated but to keep your body progressing too.

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