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The Best Yoga Poses To Start Your Day

Set yourself up for a positive day with a dose of wholesome morning yoga.

The health benefits include reduced stress levels. boosts in energy and some meditation time to set your intentions for the day.

We’ve curated these steps from Healthline to give you a breakdown of perfect moves for beginners.

The Best Yoga Poses To Start Your Day


Child’s Pose

Really helps open up your breathing and stretch your back and legs to get you refreshed for the day.

Get on all fours

Spread your knees wide and position your big toes so that they’re touching

Let your stomach fall between your thighs and allow your forehead to drop toward the floor

Extend your arms in front of your body with your palms on the floor

Breathe deeply in and out here.



Warm-up your body, stretch the spine and engage your core with Cat-Cow.

Get on all fours on your mat with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.

Engage your abs, exhale, and push your spine up toward the ceiling.

Allow your head to fall toward your chest. Hold here for 10 seconds.

Inhale and let your spine fall back down, allowing your stomach to fall toward the ground while your head comes up and back. Hold here for 10 seconds.



This move helps you focus your balance as well as working out your legs and shoulders.

Stand with your feet together and inhale, extending your arms directly overhead.

Exhale, begin to sit back into your hips, and bend your knees. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Roll your shoulders down and back and press your tailbone toward the ground. Breathe.


Downward Dog

The classic! Helps stretch your legs and shoulders as well as helping to strengthen your arms and legs.

Get on all fours on your mat with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips. Inhale.

Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor, pushing your heels down toward the floor. Lift your tailbone toward the ceiling. Do not lock your knees.

Draw your shoulder blades toward your tailbone and keep your head between your arms.

Stay here, working on getting your feet in contact with the ground.



Strengthen posture and build your core with the Bridge.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.

Place your arms at your sides with your palms on the ground.

Inhale. Exhale and push up through your feet, pushing your hips up toward the sky.



Hips, thighs and ankles are the focus here.

Squat down with your feet as close together as you can get them, toes pointed out.

Let your torso fall between your thighs, pressing your elbows against your knees.

Keep your tailbone pressed toward the ground and your chest up, using the resistance of your knees to help you.