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The Ultimate French Fry Toppings

Ah french fries. Whether you prefer them at 4am in the taxi queue after a heavy sesh, or just y’know, at regular mealtimes – french fries never let you down. When we recently discovered french fry day was coming up (who are we kidding, it’s in our calendar), we knew the day couldn’t just go uncelebrated. We wanted to round up some bangin’ recipes but if you babes are anything like us, you’ll be seasoned (no pun intended) french fry-eating professionals who don’t need no cooking advice. Instead, we’ve put our extensive french fry knowledge together and come up with the 10 ULTIMATE french fry toppings. In the words of Katy Perry: bon appetit, baby.



Ultimate French Fry Toppings

#1 BBQ pulled pork and cheese. So much cheese.

#2 Garlic and parmesan shavings.

#3 Cinnamon and brown sugar. Weird we know, but you’ll be thanking us later.

#4 Super fresh guacamole. A classic but a goodie.

#5 Rosemary and crumbled feta cheese.

#6 Macaroni pasta, melted cheese and bacon pieces. ‘Isn’t that just mac and cheese with a side of fries?’ we hear you ask. And to that, we say hell YES giiiirl.

#7 Sour cream, paprika and chopped spring onion.

#8 Salt and vinegar. You can’t argue with this one.

#9 Spicy tomato sauce, coriander and squeezed lemon.

#10 Seaweed. This is one for our mermaid baes.




 Let us know your fave fry toppings, especially if they weren’t on this list. Plus feel free to tweet us and tell us. If there’s one thing the PLT Social Media gals love, it’s drooling over pictures of fries. Just ask the rest of the Marketing team. Oh and sorry, we probably should have put a warning at the start of this post. We’re super hungry now. Deliveroo, anyone?