The 411 | PLT

What We’re Looking Forward To Post-Lockdown

Whilst lockdown 3.0 may feel never ending, we have to remind ourselves it’s temporary and eventually things will be back to normal.

So, to inject some motivation into your week, we’ve rounded up all the things we’re looking forward to post-lockdown which are keeping us going.

From reuniting with loved ones to that first night out with your besties, get scrolling to find all the things we’re so exited for.

You’ve got this gal.


What We’re Looking Forward To Post-Lockdown

Reuniting With Family & Friends

After being separated from our loved ones for so long, we can’t wait for that first reunion.

Whether it’s family or friends, we’re so looking forward to seeing each other once again.

Just imagine how amazing that first hug is going to be.


Going Out For Meals

We promise we’ll never take going to a cafe or restaurant for granted again.

Whether it’s going out for brunch with your besties or a romantic meal with your other half, we just can’t wait to be enjoying nice food with the best company.


Nights Out

Whilst a night out with the girls may seem like a distant memory, we know we’ll eventually be back at our favourite bars.

From getting glam and pre-drinking to dancing the night away with our besties, we can’t contain our excitement.

The first night out after lockdown will be amazing for sure.


Going On Holiday

In need of a change of scenery? We hear you doll.

After staying home for so long, we all deserve a holiday after lockdown

Whether it’s a relaxing holiday in the sun or a dreamy staycation, we’re so ready for a getaway.


Actually Having Weekend Plans

After so many months of feeling like our weekdays and weekends are blurring into one, we can’t wait to actually have some plans.

Whether it’s a girls night out or going for a meal with family, we’ll definitely be making the most of our weekends after lockdown.


What are you most looking forward to post-lockdown?