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Your July Horoscope

Summer is upon us. Will it be all SPF and cocktails or will it be too hot to handle?

Check out the latest celestial happenings below for the scoop.





Mars moved into your sign at the end of June and don’t you know it – you are feeling yourself and ready to take on the world. This confidence will carry you through the month so put it to good use. Whether that’s speaking up at work or simply committing to a cause you’re passionate about. Go get it, sis!

Get ready for your inner child to make an appearance in the latter half of July. Use this energy and let your playful side out. You’ve earned it!



Keep that purse on lock, Taurus. This is a strong month to build that bank balance and spend sparingly. You’ll get much more value for your hard-earned cash if you save it now and splurge later.

You may be itching to make a change so use this month to build a mental mood board of what this change might look like. It’s good to evaluate before making big decisions – and this month is perfect for thinking about. Just don’t actually do it yet. Get a foolproof plan together before you take the first steps of change.



Money worries might have taken centre stage recently, Gemini. Keep up the penny pinching until mid-month where you’ll find yourself feeling more relaxed about your financial situation. Think practical, get a budget together, and see what is realistic for you.

Work out what’s important to you and what your financial goals are and use this month to set out a plan.

Feeling lucky in love? Just be careful not to lead anyone on. They may not realize it’s harmless fun for you.




Birthday season lacking some fire this season, Cancer?

Mercury retrograde has been causing issues but hold on! From the 12th you’ll get some light relief and feel more like yourself. These last few weeks might not have been plain sailing but you’ve worked through some bad thought patterns and know what you have to offer is great. Focus on looking after yourself, girl.

Romantically keep your an eye on your past and what your learned – and make sure you’re applying these lessons to your current situations.



Mercury in retrograde has you feeling a way, Leo. A bit more thoughtful and deep perhaps, but also reflective. Now is an important period of getting to understand yourself and what is important to you. Is what you’ve been doing in the past year still working for you? It’s important to check in with yourself regularly and evaluate. Work on understanding what changes have occurred recently for you or have not.

Knowledge is powerful. Get that confidence back in time for Leo season where you can celebrate all the good you’ve achieved.




Take a time-out, Virgo. It’s been all go go go for you and that’s hardly a surprise as you’re one of the hardest-working signs. From the 5th you’ll feel ready to take a step back and remember that fun and friends are just as important as work. It’s time to think about how you can balance work and your personal life to make sure you’re not neglecting either. There IS a happy balance, you just have to seek it out.

It’s the time of year you like to reflect and see what you’ve achieved. We’re midway through so it makes sense to have a check-in with yourself. Take a few days out of the mix and get back to it when you’re feeling rested and ready to take on 2020 part 2 with your new state of mind.



Feeling fiery this month, Libra?

Relationships are under the spotlight this month and more importantly how you handle them. It’s easy to get defensive but focus on clear and calm communication for best results.

Last months solar eclipse means gives you the power this month to reflect back on the last few weeks. Have you moved forward with career goals or future plans? What action have you taken? Now is the time to use your power and take a step forward in helping you bag the prize.

Even a small step is a step further. Focus on the bigger picture this month.



Focus that energy this month, Scorpio.

It’s time to get into the granular detail of your interests this month and really commit. Whether that’s wellness, healthy eating, exercise or career planning. Having a strong focus will keep you busy and leave you feeling less frantic. Routine can be a saviour we didn’t know we needed.

Working life thrives towards the latter half of the month. Step up and take that promotion and make yourself heard. You’ve been putting the hours in so now it’s time to reap the rewards.



What makes you feel safe, Sag?

You’ve always been a planner and you understand how being organised can make you feel safe and secure.

Apply that power this month to whatever area you feel you need more clarity in. You’re naturally a risk taker but that’s because you’ve thought out all the outcomes so feel safe taking the risk – what a skill! Trust your internal voice this month.

Check-in with your relationships too – have you been putting enough time and energy into them? Alternatively, have they been putting enough effort in? Something to think about.



Recently you might have felt like you’ve been self-sacrificing for the benefit of others. Sick of it yet? Thought so.

You’re not being selfish – you just want to make sure your energy is invested in the right places. No need for a blowout, just keep an eye on who deserves your time. But also, focus on what YOU deserve and make sure you get it.

Relationship wise, you’ve always prided yourself on your self assured and independent nature. But sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side. Do you value independence or do you like the idea of it more than the reality? Get some advice from close friends – you don’t always have the answers Capricorn.



The first part of July will give you plenty to think about, Aquarius.

This doesn’t mean action is necessary. It means you need to take some time out and give some real thinking time to your situation.

Recently you’ve been looking after and showing love to yourself which is always important. From the middle of the month remember to show the same affection to partners or family and friends. Staying close to your crew is important this month and will help in keeping you grounded and content.



Wise and calm Pisces, always the shoulder to cry on?

You’re used to being the stable one that everyone turns to for advice. And mostly you don’t mind that one bit but this month you need to take a step back for you. You can’t take the weight of everyone’s problems, so pick and choose what you can invest energy into this month.

Get your finances in check this month and treat yourself. You’ve been thrifty and cautious recently but maybe its time to go for that well planned and useful purchase. If you’ve been chasing a raise at work then now is the time to speak up. You know you’re worth it.