10 Acts of Kindness To Do This Month
‘Tis the season of giving and after the year we’ve had, a little extra kindness this holiday season wouldn’t go a miss. That’s why we’re sharing with you 10 acts of kindness you can do this month to put a smile on someone’s face. Check it out!
1. Tell your loved ones you appreciate them
It’s easy to assume that the people close to us know how much we appreciate them even if we don’t say it. But saying this out loud can really make someone’s day, so challenge yourself to do this one simple thing this month. Here’s a few different ways of telling someone you appreciate them:
Thanks for always being there for me
I love spending time with you
I am so grateful to have met you
2. Pay for someone’s coffee order
The trend of paying for the person’s order behind you, whether you’re at Starbucks or a fast food drive-thru, has blown up on social media recently and we’re here for it! We love seeing people using social media for good and spreading trends that spread kindness is what we’re all about. Spread some love next time you’re getting your coffee fix and leave knowing you’ve put a smile on someone’s face.
3. Give a stranger a compliment
Getting a compliment from a stranger can turn your day from 0 to 100 real quick. Don’t be shy, spread some love this month and compliment someone you don’t know. After all, it’s free!
4. Give to charity
This time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in the fun of the festivities and buying gifts for your loved ones. But let’s take time to remember those who are not so fortunate. There are many ways to give to a good cause this month. Here are some ideas below:
Buy Christmas cards that donate profits to charity
Use Amazon Smile when buying your gifts
Ask your loved ones to donate instead of buying you a gift
Support a fill a shoe box campaign
5. Learn sign language
Christmas holidays leave us with a lot of spare time on our hands that is often spent with family, eating food and binging season after season on Netflix, let’s be honest. Taking some of this time to learn basic sign language is a fun, interactive activity to do with friends or family but, more importantly, could make a real difference to someone one day. Even just knowing how to introduce yourself using sign language and have a basic conversation can make someone who is deaf feel included.
6. Take 15 mins to really listen to someone
December is a busy month for a lot of us but taking as little as 15 minutes to slow down and really listen to someone can do wonders. Check up on your friends and family this month and give them the gift of your full attention.
7. Donate old clothes to charity
Start the new year clutter-free and roll into 2021 with a clear space and clear mind! Clear out unwanted clothes and take them to your local charity shop this month or sell them online and donate to your chosen charity.
8. Be kind to retail workers
The Christmas rush can be a stressful time for everyone but let’s not forget to be extra kind to our retail workers this month who are working hard to keep things running smoothly. A simple “thank you”, smile or words of encouragement can make all the difference.
9. Check up on an old friend
Take some time this month to re-kindle an old friendship or simply reach out to an old friend and check up on them. Just knowing that you were thinking about them could really brighten someone’s day and spread kindness this Christmas.
10. Be kind to yourself
Last but not least, let’s pledge to be kind to ourselves this Christmas. Treat yourself to some all-important me time. Whether that’s taking a relaxing walk, doing some self-care, meditating or watching a movie with your favourite snacks, take time for yourself and reflect on the year – you did it!