We’re talkin’ about something a lil different today. At PLTHQ, we are total desk snackers. Sometimes, that desk snackin’ ain’t healthy but we’re about to change all that.
We get it. Our PLT girls are super busy and constantly on the move.
They need snacks to refuel and nourish, but the snacks need to be easy to prep (lazy girls UNITE), and cheap – because less dolla on snacking means more dolla on clothes.. are we right?!
We took to Pinterest to round up the best snack recipes and ideas so you (busy) gals don’t have to.
We know what you’re thinking. But is researching snacks on Pinterest really part of your job? Yep, we know. We can’t quite believe it either.
Here are 5 healthy snacks you can take on the go with you..
Roasted Chickpeas
Cheap, easy to make, and totally customisable. These might just be the best snack on the list.
All you need to do is grab a can of chickpeas (super cheap), and you can add literally anything you want to them. Fancy something sweet? Cinnamon. More of a spicy gal? Cayenne.
Just shake them in a bag with your desired flavouring, then roast them in the oven until crunchy.
They are packed with protein and fibre to sustain energy and keep your badass self being, well.. badass.
Rice Cakes
Again, these won’t make much of a dent in your purse AND you can have them savoury or sweet.
Our fave (tried & tested, you’d better believe) toppings are: peanut butter, hummus, honey + bananas, crushed avo with hot sauce.
Fresh Fruit
It might sound boringly simple but fresh fruit will cure that sweet tooth craving AND you’re getting part of your 5 a day.
Trust us, we’re onto a winner with this one.
Celery Sticks
Cerlery is high fibre, full of water (aka miracle liquid) and only 10kcal per stick.
We’ll take that as a cue to add as much peanut butter as we want, then.
Alternatively if you ain’t about that nut life, you can eat with low fat cream cheese spread. YAAAAAASSS.
Homemade Snack Bars
Instead of buying branded snack bars full of unnecessary sugars (you’re sweet enough already bae), try making your own!
Throw the following things into a blender: a spoon of nut/almond butter, an egg, a little bit of honey/maple syrup to combine, a pinch of baking soda, and THEN your choice of ingredients.
These can be things like: coconut flakes, chocolate chips (because healthy ain’t gotta be borin’), chia seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins, or walnuts.
For extra flavour you could add cinnamon or vanilla.
Once your blender is filled to the brim with all of that, you should probably have a sit down and treat yourself to a Netlflix episode, pheeeew.
But then remember to blend, shape into bars and bake until crispy.
What are your fave healthy snacks? Share your photos and tag us on insta @prettylittlething