Ever heard that saying “the eyes are the window to your soul”? While that may be true, the eyebrows frame the face, so a strong brow game is essential to ensure you’re looking your best. The days of the 90’s super skinny and barely-there brow are long behind us and when it comes to eyebrow trends (yep, that is a thing), it’s safe to say the new rule is the bushier the better.
Here’s some beauty hacks on how to get your best brows ever with our tips and tricks on how to create and fake the ultimate bushy brow.
Step away from the tweezers…
Let’s face it, the big brow trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. For now, and the foreseeable future, we say; step away from the tweezers. Over plucking, waxing or threading where it isn’t needed isn’t going to achieve your dream brows so give your hair a breather and let your brows do their own thing for a while.
Get greasy
When it comes to hair growth, the hair needs to be in an environment that promotes this to optimum level with skin that is well hydrated and nourished. The same goes for your brows. There’s a few different routes you can go down here but we say trusty Vaseline is as good as any. Known to create a type of sealing barrier, Vaseline locks in moisture and helps protect the hair. Try sleeping in a layer on your brows each night.
Good oils
Similar to Vaseline, those good oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or even castor oil are said to work wonders to help create a barrier and protect the individual hair follicles to give them that optimum growing environment. Giving your eyebrows a good oiling as pair of your night time routine should result in fewer lost hairs and stronger, fuller looking brows.
Soap them up
You may or may not have heard of this trick already but a simple and wholesome bar of soap can be a game changer when it comes to creating the illusion of a bushier and thicker brow.
Grab your soap of choice and splash a bit of water on top. Then grab a spoolie and scrape it lightly on top of the soap so the brush has a thin coating around it. Wit the spoolie brush your brow hairs up in an upward motion. Once you’re happy with the shape, press down on the brows with your fingers to set everything in place.
Get scientific
If you want to get really serious about achieving thicker brows, it’s time to call in some science and introduce a brow growth serum into your everyday beauty routine. Said to contain a hair boosting cocktail of vitamins, proteins, stimulating peptides and nourishing conditioners to support your hairs natural renewal cycle. Within a few weeks you’re said to be able to notice a difference with the right eyebrow growth beauty serum.