Girl, we got you!
If you’re reading this then the likelihood is you’re on the lookout for some advice on how to heal after getting your heartbroken. Whilst we wish this wasn’t the case, we have all you need to know when it comes to getting yourself back on track! From what you should be doing on the daily to how to feel good about yourself again.
This is the PrettyLittleThing guide to healing after heartbreak.
Give yourself time to grieve
This will be one of the hardest steps when it comes to healing as quite honestly it hurts like hell. But trust us, you grow through what you go through! It might take a long time, longer than you probably want it to or expect it to but it will be worth it in the long run. Avoiding the grief will mean you just bottle it in for it to come out at a later date (probably when you’re drunk). Take it slow and try to accept that you will be unable to think of anything else for a while.
Let go of what ‘could’ have been..
Another one that’s hard to hear, but imagining what might of happened if you had replied differently, or hadn’t said what was actually on your mind isn’t going to help. Once things are final, it’s time to leave them be.
Don’t text your ex!
You guessed it.. We don’t need to explain this one but stick with it no matter how cripplingly hard. No they don’t want to see that cute dog pic you would usually send, neither do they care that you still have their hoodie. If you’re texting to try and spark conversation then it’s probably best to leave it. Drunk texting is also a no go!
Social stalking definitely wont help
Checking in to see who your ex has recently followed on Insta, who’s photos they’re liking or even what they are uploading – none of it is going to help. Whilst we’re all guilty of doing it in the first few weeks, it’s simply best not to. Likelihood is even if they are speaking to that person they recently followed, they aren’t going to announce it on Insta. Your mind will wander and truth is, you’ll probably never know who they might/might not be speaking to from their follow list.
Options are.. either unfollow if you feel up to it, mute them if seeing what they are sharing is feeling a little too much or simply just don’t search them. You’ll thank yourself later.
The notecard method
If you have a lot you feel that’s left to say, why not try out the notecard method? This is when you write a letter to your ex (or it could even just be a list). The important thing is, you NEVER send this letter, it is simply for you to keep and reflect on. A way of getting everything off your chest. Be brutally honest and be sure not to sugar coat anything – we aren’t here for just the happy memories but the times that weren’t so great too. Make sure to include it all, from that time they made you cry, to any annoying habits – seems harsh but it’s a good step towards moving on.
Self care comes first
Ok, a day will come when you don’t want to dwell on the situation and with this we welcome self care! This could be anything from giving yourself a pamper day, taking up a new hobby, starting a class at the gym, listening to a podcast or even spending some time reading. Literally anything you want to do, do it! You have a lot more spare time now so make the most of it. This step of healing is all about you, so treat yourself.
Keep busy
We’re talking all the plans! Say yes to everything. Similar to self care, being busy is going to help fill that empty void you now have. Whether it’s catching up with the girls, attending after work drinks, a shopping day with your bestie or even just hanging out and getting a takeaway – make the most of any plans that come your way. It’s much better than sitting at home dwelling on the heartache (which would probably end with more crying).
Your friends and family have your back!
Believe us when we say you’re not annoying them by speaking about your pain. Everyone goes through a heartbreak at some point in their life and truth is, your friends and family probably have a good understanding of how you’re feeling. Whilst it might feel like you’re drowning them in your sadness, they truly are there for you and just want to help. So be sure to speak out and ask for help when you do need it.
It won’t last forever
It might not feel like it now, or even if a few months time but you really will feel better one day! It can be overwhelming to think of what life is going to be like moving forward but it’s best to just take it one day at a time. There really will come a day when you wake up and your ex or the heartache isn’t your very first thought. As time passes your heart will start to heal, but until then keep focused on yourself and know that you’ve got this!
Finally, if you’re thinking that’s it and you’re now going to be single forever – you aren’t!
One day you’ll look back on the heartbreak and know it was worth it.
Trust the process!