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Money Saving Ideas for Broke Bishes

We’re all guilty of livin’ a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget.

Boujee b*tches deserve the best but sometimes our bank might say otherwise.

We’ve all got to that stage where our shopping wishlist is bigger than the amount of cash in our bank account.

When there are so many social events to attend it’s easy to get carried away, but how can we make that £££ stretch further?

Here are our top tips on how to make the most of your money whilst livin’ that rich bish lifestyle.


Money Saving Ideas for Broke Bishes



Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend, was sadly mistaken.

When it comes to online shopping, discount codes should be your BFFL.

Savvy shopping is the way to your heart and your wardrobe.



If you’re about to fly the nest and head to uni, listen up.

Pre-drinking before heading to the club is an absolute must. Only got £5 to last the night? No problem.

We all love a fancy cocktail and who’s to say you can’t make your own?

Take a look at our Summer Cocktail Recipes Blog



When your fashion-obsessed it’s easy to get carried away.

Make room in your wardrobe for a new haul by selling your unwanted clothes or even use the ReGain App in return for discount codes at PrettyLittleThing.