Our rising star this month is the Italian-born beauty, Valentina Ottoboni, aka SEJO. This gal is something of a triple threat, with acting, dancing and singing all being skills she has honed to perfection (right now, we’re feelin’ a little lazy…) SEJO has just released her debut single ‘Too Young’, which interweaves tropical beats with anthemic pop. She describes herself as a determined dreamer – we’re right there with ya girl. Here’s what dreamy babe SEJO had to say about style, soul and Superheroes when we caught up with her…
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I believe it’s the scent of breakfast! In general, all that a day has to offer. To a person as curious as me, every day has something in store.
What language would you love to speak and why?
Other cultures fascinate me, the more exotic they are, the more they attract me. Among the many existing I would like to speak Japanese.
Which song always gets you moving?
All of them! As a dancer, when I listen to music I get very intimate with it, every song makes me move and express myself in different ways.
Which 3 emojis best describe you?
3 big smiley face emojis! I love them.. sometimes they are spot on and other times I’d like to create the right emoji for me, but I guess that would be too complicated – it’s not that easy to define me.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I want to feel proud and fulfilled whatever my path will be.
Who’s your ultimate celeb crush?
At 13, I was seriously in love with Leonardo DiCaprio, my bedroom was covered with his posters. Now, I prefer to get to know mysterious people in real life that fascinate me.
What do you love most about living in Italy?
Italy is wonderful and it literally exudes history and culture. It’s such an incredibly artistic and fascinating country that everyday inspires me to discover its hidden facets.
Who was your last text from?
My best friend.
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Right now I can’t say… it would be too big to imagine!
If you had to have a crazy drunken tattoo, what would you get?
A winged pig on my forehead!
Last track/artist played on Spotify?
James Blake or Miles Davis, I don’t remember which…
Which items in your wardrobe couldn’t you live without?
Black army boots, oversized sweatshirts & shirts.
If you were a superhero, what would your power be?
Mmmm…I would be able to make things happen… I’ve been trying to for a while! I’ll let you know how I’m doing.
What’s on the agenda for the rest of 2017?
Study, learn and always improve.
Salad or Burger?
Day or Night?
Night, in all its aspects!
Heels or Flats?
City or Country livin’?
Country living, I love pristine untainted places, especially by the sea.
Rihanna or Beyonce?
Impossible to choose! But I must confess I truly love Fyfe in terms of artists at the moment.
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