It’s been said that building (and breaking) our habits is one of the most difficult things we can master. But it’s also one of the most rewarding and worthwhile.
Here’s our round up of five simple daily habits you can start doing today that have the power to change your life for the better.
Make a morning routine
Having a consistently good way to start our day will help ease you into waking up and help you start the day right. After all, it’s been said there is comfort in repeating the same set of rituals each morning. Plan your morning routine now. Whether that be waking up early, starting the day with a smoothie packed full of goodness, mediating for 10 minutes or going for a quick walk around the block and get some fresh air.
Keep a tidy home
We all know the saying “tidy space, tidy mind”, right? A cluttered desk when you’re working from home, messy bedroom, or generally untidy space can block the creative process and ultimately leads to mental clutter. Opting for a minimal approach to your living and working space will allow fresh perspectives on life. Clean up your work area and living space regularly and often. It’ll change your life and keep you feeling focused and on top of things.
Break up your day
Feeling like your stuck in a rut or sitting at your working from home desk for 9 hours a day will do little for your mindset and productivity levels. It’s important to mix things up to not let your brain get too sleepy and keep you feeling focused and on the ball. Try anything from taking a walk on your lunch break, working out, going for a quick run or heading out to a coffee shop to get a brief change of scenery.
Eat well
Eating the right kind of wholesome, good and nutritious foods will do wonders for your body and mind. You can’t and won’t eat right if you don’t have healthy foods at the ready when you get hungry so make sure you plan out your meals loosely when you do your weekly food shop. This goes for drinking water too. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Not drinking enough water leaves you with headaches and can wreak havoc on your skin.
Incorporating something as simple like a 30 minute walk into your day can really make a difference for your mind, body and mood. Exercise releases endorphins and is effective at getting the blood circulating leaving you feeling more focused and awake. In turn, this will help increase your energy levels so you can get more sh*t done throughout the day.