5 Tips To Avoid A Work Burnout | The 411 | PLT

5 Tips To Avoid A Work Burnout

04 | 03 | 2022


It’s National Staff Appreciation Day!


Need to switch off babe? No stress.

Today we are sharing easy ways that will help you avoid the dreaded work burnout. From signs to look out for to addressing the matter and what you can do about it.

One minute it’s Friday eve and you’re living your best life, then suddenly you’re drowning in your to-do list and are majorly overwhelmed.

Even if you absolutely loveeeeee your job, the burnout can creep up on you and be hard to spot (especially when you’re so focused on work).


Start scrolling now for PLT’s top tips on avoiding work burnout. We’ve got you!


Music Video Work GIF by Rihanna


What does burnout feel like?

Tired or drained both mentally and physically.

A negative outlook especially when it comes to work conversations/tasks.

Doubting yourself.

A helpless/trapped or overwhelmed feeling.

Procrastinating and taking longer to get things done.

Many people have compared to symptoms of burnout to anxiety.


What to do about it?

Truth is, burnout will rarely go away on it’s own.

If you ignore the signs of burnout it can sometimes worsen as you are not addressing the underlying issues.


#1. Speak Out

Be sure to share how you are feeling and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

This could be to your manager, team member/colleague or even a family member who will be able to help you figure things out and help you speak to the relevant people.

Addressing the issue is the first step to understanding how to stop it happening.


Coming Through Help Me GIF by Will & Grace


#2. Work Smart

Working with purpose is a must. Take control of your to-do list and manage your time to suit.

As the saying goes, work smarter not harder.


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#3. Know Your Breaking Point

Whilst it might be hard to admit, knowing when things are a little too much or you simply have too much to do/assigned to you at work is essential.

Sometimes just having a chat, decreasing your workload or even taking a day off to unplug can work wonders.


emily blunt work GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


#4. Take Your Lunch Break

We mean it. Sure, everyone is guilty of the odd working lunch but try not to make it a habit.

Truth is, that thing to do will still be there even after you’ve taken half an hour to refuel.

Go outside, grab something healthy to eat, maybe a coffee from your fave coffee shop.

However you spend your break just make sure it’s away from your to-do list.


Lauren Conrad Lunch GIF by The Hills


#5. Maintain A Balance

Of course, avoiding the point of a work burnout is the ultimate goal. It’s vital you switch off.

Seriously, set boundaries!

It could be you set yourself rules such as no checking emails out of working hours and not staying late at the office to making time to catch up with family and friends, focusing on yourself and just recharging in general.

However your approach it, work/life balance is a true gamechanger when it comes to avoiding work burnout.

Go to the gym, spend time doing your hobbies, journal your goals, ring your bestie for a good old chat and catch up – try not to let work become your one and only focus.


Happy Cheer Up GIF by NETFLIX



Not loving your current role?

Work Working GIF

Could it be time for a change?

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Be sure to keep a look out for your BTS of the PLT Staff Appreciation Day which will be hitting the blog next week!


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