The event all our American baes have been waiting for… Homecoming!
Homecoming outfit or homecoming date, there is just so much to think about!
Spirit week, homecoming court, exciting times lie ahead of you gals.
We always expect the guy to ask us out, but what if we were the ones asking them out?
The worst thing that could happen is he says “no”. Keep this in mind and then prepare yourself to ask him out, expect the worse then the rejection won’t be as bad.
#1 Find the right place and time to ask him out
You have to decide whether getting him out on his own is the best way? Getting him on his own whilst you are at a party whilst the drinks are flowing? Or asking him whilst you’re with a group of friends? If you’re going in for the kill, you need to make sure you have a plan. You can’t be stumbling on your words. Make him an offer he can’t refuse.
How about shakes and waffles downtown?
A little tour of Italy at Olive Garden?
Or a cute little movie date? Decisions, decisions huns.
#2 Use the “extra ticket” trick
A tactical way of asking out a guy would be the classic ‘Oh I have a spare ticket if you would like to come’. This way it doesn’t look so obvious that you’re asking him out, it looks like it has happened by chance and that you had no intention of asking him in the first place. A comfortable friend situation what a perfect combo.
#3 Ask him out on a group date
Group dates are the way forward especially if you’re a little shy. There won’t be any pressure or awkward silence.
#4 Ask him out to a guy-friendly activity
Ice hockey game? Football game? More active the better, this could be a real game changer if he knows you’re into sports too.
#5 Ask him out through a note
Straight to the point, no messing around, just put your number on there. If you get a call then bonus!
#6 Ask him out over the phone
Arrange a sleepover for you and your friends and get the ultimate slay list on.
This way they can give you some girl support whilst you call him up, OR just get a friend to call and ask him out for you.
#7 Let him know face to face how you really feel
Guys love a confident girl, so grab the bull by the horns and just tell him how you feel. What have you got to lose, you’ll always wonder what if otherwise. God loves a trier!
#8 Have one of your friends go over and tell him you think he’s cute
Are you really friends if you haven’t told a guy your girl thinks he’s cute?
Help a friend in need!
#9 Just start dancing with him
What’s more reassuring than being up close and personal with the guy you fancy? You’re at a party before the homecoming and everyone is dancing, just swoop straight in their and show him some moves he can’t resist, I’m pretty sure you have bagged a date after that performance.