CV Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Role | The 411 | PLT

CV Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Role

19 | 05 | 2021


With the past year being completely out of the ordinary, we’ve all had a lot of extra time to really think about our career goals and what we’ll reply to the “where do you see yourself in 5 years time?” question.


Whether you’re ready to aim for your dream position or just want to give your CV a overdue refresh – we have the tips you need RN!


Make It Original

Tailor your CV to the brand!

Keep in mind, when applying to a role that there will probably be many other applicants. This is mind, take your time to really allow your CV to stand out and appeal to the business you’re applying to. Start with your standard CV (include all the must-have info) but then align your CV with the brand or specific role you’re applying for.



Space It Out

This may sound obvious, but ensure to keep your CV easy to read/spacious. Of course, share all the relevant information but ensure everything is well separated and easy to scan over. We’re talking headers, small paragraphs, short sentences and bullet points.



Share Your Achievements

Make yourself proud!

Your CV is your introduction, this is the time to allow yourself to really impress. Whilst we all feel a little embarrassed saying how great we are, your new employer wants to hear it all! Simply swap how you describe your achievements from fact stating to explaining what affect they have had. For example, if you are in charge of specific areas in your current job, share how your achievements made a difference amongst the wider team/business as a whole. Be sure to back this up with any suitable facts or figures.



Keep It Relevant

When sharing previous work experience or volunteering history, be sure to keep this fitting to your application. For example, if you have previously volunteered, rather than just listing what you did, share how this skillset is adaptable to the role you’re currently applying for. Did the volunteering position allow you to strengthen your time management skills? Has it helped you adapt to working within a team?



Stand Out

Whether this is your overall idea, design, colour scheme or layout – it will be worth the extra time spent doing this in the long run. Head to Pinterest for all kinds of creative CV inspo, search your socials to see how other people are creating their CV’s and be sure to check out Youtube as there are many CV advice videos to watch and gain ideas from.



Check It Over

Proof read your CV over and over. Take a break, the re-read it. Spelling mistakes, punctuation – check it all. If you feel comfortable you could even reach out to a friend and ask them to look over your CV too. They might just spot something you have missed!



Be Yourself

Finally, just be yourself and remember to let your personality shine through your CV.

You’ve got this!



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