Catch up with our girl Grace as she gives us the highs and lows of being pregnant during a worldwide pandemic…
Guess who got pregnant in the middle of a pandemic? Me, I did haha!
I’d been feeling extremely tired and emotional for a few weeks and I randomly woke up one day and NEEDED an egg mayo sandwich which was so weird so my boyfriend suggested I do a test and bam.. those two lines on a clear blue test lit up like a Christmas tree and at a scan the next day we found out we were two months pregnant. I had never been so excited in all of my life because a part of me wondered if this day would ever come and now suddenly I am over 30 weeks pregnant. My hospital bag is packed, nipple pads have been bought and his beautiful little nursery is complete. I feel ready, I feel excited, I feel grateful, but I also feel somewhat anxious, annoyed and completely let down by the covid maternity rules and lack of support for pregnant people during this time. In today’s blog I thought I’d answer some pressing questions about what it’s like being pregnant in a pandemic.
Q; What’s been the hardest part?
Without a doubt going to scans alone. I am so incredibly close to my partner and our relationship really is just the best so experiencing so many firsts and appointments without him is so shit! We are having to pay £70+ for private scans so that he is able to attend which is an absolute privilege because I know that others may not be able to afford to do so. It took two people to create this baby and I think it’s disgusting that partners aren’t allowed to see their unborn children, or have a say in their care by speaking to midwives and doctors.
Q; Will you be giving birth with a mask on?
Fortunately no. This isn’t a requirement at the hospital/birthing centre I am giving birth in. Breathing is such an important factor of birthing a baby that I couldn’t imagine having to do so with a mask on – I would not be happy lol, but I also understand why in some places this is imperative.
Q; Do you feel like you’ve missed out on a real pregnancy experience?
I think because its my first pregnancy and I don’t know any different, it doesn’t feel like I’ve missed out, but it covid does make me feel a little isolated and restricted with plans and opportunities that I would have experienced. I really wish I could’ve had a baby shower because it would’ve been so nice to see loved ones, have some good food and play games etc, but due to lockdown, restrictions and then the different tiers, making plans has been impossible. I also hate Zoom and didn’t want to have a virtual baby shower so we’ve decided to have a massive post birth party in early 2021 summer (fingers crossed).
Q; What’s it like going to appointments alone?
Honestly, it can be quite anxiety inducing, especially if something gets flagged which is what happened to me recently. I explained to the doctor that I hadn’t been feeling well so she checked my heart rate which was sky high. The next thing I knew I was being taken to triage and admitted and I wasn’t discharged until 10 days later. Nobody likes feeling alone – especially vulnerable and hormonal pregnant people but you just have to get on with it. It sucks so much, but it is what it is. By the time we have a second child, covid should be long gone!