Healthy Habits To Start Now | The 411 | PLT

Healthy Habits To Start Now

20 | 04 | 2020

With life as we know it being uncertain and worrying right now, coupled with the constant media stories of doom and gloom, it’s safe to say staying positive can be pretty testing. Negative vibes can have a knock on effect on your mental health and make productivity levels low, even when it comes to doing everyday things like preparing yourself a nutritious meal or keeping the home you’re currently locked down in tidy.


To keep ourselves and minds feeling their best, it’s super important to take steps to boost your mood and be good to yourself, no matter how small these steps may be. That’s where we come in with our round up of the best healthy habits to start now to help you feel as healthy, happy and good about yourself as possible during these troubling times. Keep positive we can get through this together.


Make Your Bed Every Morning

An easy way to trick your mind into feeling like you’re organised and ready to start the day. This is especially important if the space you’re currently working from home in happens to be your bedroom.


Read More

Reading can help calm the mind and be a much welcome distraction for the all too real things going on in your life right now. Aiming to read a chapter of a book every day, whether at night before you go to sleep or at midday, will help you feel more tranquil.


Start Your Day Hydrated

It makes sense that while we sleep our body gets dehydrated. Aiming to start the day with a glass of water every morning. You’ll instantly feel refreshed and more awake and it’s even said to kick start your metabolism for the day. What could be better?



Keeping a diary or journaling has proven to benefit our mental health. With the current situation and life as we know it being up in the air right now, it’s easy to feel the fear and see only the negative. To combat this, start a journal and get into the habit of writing down 5 things you’re grateful for or the positives you’ve taken from your day each day.


Take A Timeout From Socials

Being distanced from our friends right now can make us lean on social media to keep up the feeling of being close and combat any loneliness we’re currently experiencing. Not everything we see and read on social media can be good for our minds though. If it’s getting too much for you right now, take a time out from reading or following anything on your timeline that makes you feel bad or adds to your stress and worry.



Exercise is proven to have endless benefits for your mind, body and mental health. Keep that release of good endorphins flowing and try to work out a little every day. Whether this be a simple circuit you can do in your home, your favourite morning yoga YouTube tutorial or a daily walk around your local neighbourhood.


Eat With Care

What you eat has a huge impact on how you feel within your body, mind and soul. It can be so easy right now to slip into making too many bad choices when it comes to what you’re eating but too many sugary treats can make us feel sluggish and seriously unproductive. Set yourself small goals when it comes to your food intake. Allow yourself treats but make sure you eat with care and aim to have at least one piece of fruit a day for a snack, as well as greens with every meal.

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