How To Stay Close To Your Bestie While Social Distancing | The 411 | PLT

How To Stay Close To Your Bestie While Social Distancing

17 | 04 | 2020

Self-isolating; the struggle is real, right? We can’t even remember what week of lockdown we’re at now (week 4? 5?) and at times it’s hard to even remember what day of the week it is. It’s safe to say these are unsure and testing times for all of us but one thing we can all try to take comfort in is that we’re all in it together. With a big factor that comes with self-isolation being loneliness, leaning on your family and friends right is crucial.


We know it can be hard being apart from your besties so we’ve put together our tips and ideas of how you can keep close while social distancing.



Step away from the Whatsapp chat. It’s time to throw it back a bit and go back to the days of the good old fashioned phone call. Messages back and forth can seem so 2D, so brightening up your day with a phone call will create a more intimate feeling of closeness between you and your bestie, working wonders for your friendship and your mood. Whether you schedule a call at a set time every day or work it into your daily walk outdoors, this can help add a feeling of routine and order to your day and give you something to look forward to.



Fast becoming everyone’s new favourite thing to do on the weekend, the virtual quiz is where it’s at right now. Not just something that can be shared and enjoyed between one friend and yourself, get all your besties together for a set time every week to take part in a virtual quiz of your choice. Whether you plan it as a replacement to Thirsty Thursdays or make it the thing you all look forward to at the weekend. Don’t forget to BYOB.



Spreading love and good vibes with a thoughtful gesture can really work wonders to boost your besties happiness and your own. Hone in on your cooking or baking skills and whip something up in the kitchen you can leave on their doorstep to surprise them. Or if you’re feeling crafty, get creative and make them a card detailing all the reasons why you love them or your favourite memories together and pop it in their letterbox.



If you’re missing your fave weekly hang outs with your girl where you settle down for a night of films, snacks and wine, don’t despair. This can still happen, to an extent. Get the snacks in and BYOB, line up the movie of yours and your besties choice and press play. You can keep a running commentary going on via Whatsapp or if you’re feeling techy download Netflix Party, a Google Chrome extension that will give you a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online. You can keep the chat going on a bar next to the screen while you watch. Just like you’re actually enjoying the experience together.

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