How To Soft Launch Your New Relationship | The 411 | PLT

How To Soft Launch Your New Relationship

15 | 08 | 2022


Finally ready to intro your new boo to your socials?


Long gone are the days of updating your Facebook status to “in a relationship”.

Now we’re ALL about not giving toooo much away.

Instead we’re here to hint and give a sneak peak that a S.O is in your life.


First up, what does ‘soft launch’ actually mean?

Think of it as a photo preview to an ‘official relationship’ or at least that you’re “off the market”.

You want your socials to know there is ‘someone’ on the scene but aren’t quite ready to share who…

Welcome, the soft launch!


Channel 9 Reaction GIF by Married At First Sight


Photo of your cocktail with a hand in the background, just a glimpse of a shoe in your IGS – soft hints.

Essentially you are keeping people guessing.

Yeah you’re besties know who you’re dating but that doesn’t mean you’re quite ready to tell everyone.


Heading off on holiday but who with?

Sneaky shoulder in your recent mirror pic, table set for two – we’re obsessed!


If ready to officially soft launch then carry on scrolling…



Ok, we all love a Insta photo dump so let’s start here.

10 random photos you’ve snapped, one has a beer in but you don’t drink it… Obvs you’re out drinking with someone but sorry, no tags here babe.

There’s a real air of mystery to soft launching a new partner.

It’s essentially a full strategy – seriously, gossip girl hasn’t got anything on this.


blake lively GIF


This also works out well justttt incase the honeymoon phase doesn’t quite work out – no need to delete couple selfies, that hand in your photo dump? Just a friend thanks.

Your IG aesthetic is literally thanking you already! No archiving here.



The ultimate social soft launch.

Seriously, Instagram stories are the ONE for uploading without having to tag.

Out for an evening walk? Share the hand holding pic, maybe they are walking in front – take a photo, nobody’s going to guess from the back of their head or shadowy silhouette.

OOTD’s, date nights, flower deliveries, a hand resting on the bar that’s most definitely not yours…

You can literally document the whole relationship without ACTUALLY tagging who it is.

It’s all part of the fun!


Sure you’re going to get questions of who it is but you only have to tell the people you want to tell.

It’s nice to save things for yourself and not have the pressure of being ‘Facebook official’ and so on.


Sharing hints of your dating life is also great if you are just keeping things casual and taking things slow, no need to share all!


Even Kourtney soft launched Travis!



& that’s essentially it – consider yourself soft launch ready!


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