Celebrate #NationalSelfieDay and grace the ‘gram with your best selfie shot.
Need a few tips on how to work those angles? We’ve got you, gal…
Lighting is key
When it comes to the perfect selfie, lighting is everything. Where possible, try to use natural light. Even with no makeup on, natural light will give your skin that ‘grammable glow. And if you can’t get natural light, a ring light will be your next best thing.
Tilt it
Perfecting the selfie head tilt is an ART. Tilt your head away from your neck from left to right and work out what your best angle is. It might take a couple of shots but you’ve got this, boo.
Create a clean background
To really make your selfie pop, choose a totally clean background. Find a neutral coloured wall and channel your inner super model for those Kendall Jenner worthy snaps.
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Be your natural self
This one goes without saying, when you’re trying to take a good selfie, just be your natural self. Don’t force your facial features into a pose that feels completely unnatural. You’re already killin’ it, bae.
Have fun with it
Taking selfies can feel like serious work, but don’t let it be. Just have fun, pull a silly pose or apply some funky glam. ENJOY the selfie process.
When in doubt, smile
If all else fails, just smile. A genuine smile is infectious, so why not spread some positivity with your selfie?!