As January is coming to an end it’s easy to fall out of your gym routine and go back to being horizontal. To get you in shape or help you stay there, we’ve scrolled through the gram to find our fave inspirational fitness accounts. From home workouts for beginners to intense gym routines for the pros, we’ve found something for everything.
Insta Fitness Accounts You Need On Your Feed
Whether you prefer yoga or a weight friendly workout, see below our fave Instagram fitness accounts you need on your feed right now.
Jessamyn Stanely // @mynameisjessamyn
Get ready for Sun Salutations with our fave yogi Jessamyn Stanely. Promoting body positivity and yoga at every size, Jessamyn shares yoga tips for living a healthy lifestyle. Even though yoga remains her main focus, she has started focusing more on her social media presence to express her views on pretty much everything.
Jen Selter // @jenselter
For all our gym bunnies who want to perfect their peach, Jen Selter is your gal. Known as one of the best bums on Instagram, Jen Selter is a New York fitness model who built up her followers by blessing us with endless amounts of selfies. Her workout tips and tricks will teach you the art of working on your rear.
Kayla Itsines // @kayla_itsines
Kayla Itsines is the Insta fitness OG. If you haven’t heard of or seen her, do you even go on Instagram? The bikini body trainer has the abs to inspire and the workout programs to go along. Itsines also regularly shares the before and after photos of those who’ve followed her routine, which is motivation for anyone to get started.
Karena and Katrina //@toneitup
If you’re looking for a fun, energetic, girlfriend-to-girlfriend method of getting fit, then the Tone It Up community is for you. The community is a group of women motivating each other to reach their health and fitness goals online with shared recipes, workouts, and even free workout routines on YouTube.