Is Cuffing Season Still A Thing? | The 411 | PLT

Is Cuffing Season Still A Thing?

18 | 11 | 2021


TBH, yes.


Ok, the colder months have arrived and the subject of cuffing season is once again on the rise.


If you’re new to the term then be sure to check out our previous blog posts here. In short, cuffing season is when you settle down for the colder months. You know the vibe, hot girl Summer is over, it’s cold AF and you’re already dreading having to sit round the Christmas table with ALL your family and explain why you’re still single..


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Whether you’re all for the cosy chill outs, cute festive date nights or you’re finally ready to make moves in an attempt to meet ‘the one’. This is the time to do so, plus you’ll be glad to know that you’re certainly not alone! The downloads of dating apps actually increase during the AW season meaning more potential matches to pick from! Yesss, to no longer seeing the same old bio’s you’ve swiped past over and over. We’re here for the new faces now.


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If dating apps aren’t your vibe then no fear, Christmas party season means meeting somebody new is easier than ever! Heading out out with your girls? Could this be time to spot a potential new ‘cuff’. Work party.. Why not make your move after swooning over that colleague for months!


5 top tips since cuffing season actually is still a thing…


#1. Do not just settle – yeah you’re feeling abit sorry for yourself whilst your besties all hang out with their bae’s but nothing good will come from just accepting an average feeling relationship. If you’re wanting the one then simply wait it out and know that nothing that is meant for you will pass by you by.


#2. Be honest – If you are purely just wanting abit of a fling until the Summer season then be upfront about that. Don’t let someone feel that they have met their perfect match if you’re really not feeling it. If you’re both just in it for the short term then perfect, enjoy the now!


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#3. Opposite to the above, don’t write anything off if you start to actually feel invested. Sure it began as a ‘cuff’ but if you’re catching the feels then try not to think of it as just a ‘situationship’.  Maybe there is a reason why you’re feeling how you do! Let that romance blossom. You simply never know, you could of just met your match without even realising.


#4. Don’t get TOO caught up on meeting somebody. Sure, swipe away, make those eyes and so on but do not feel that if you have not made a connection with somebody that it’s a bad thing. You’re more than okay on your own! Order that takeaway. Head to the Christmas market with your BFF. Buy the matching pj’s for you and your pet instead. You really don’t need a partner to make it through the season if you simply don’t want one. You got this girl!


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#5. Have fun with it all. Literally zero pressure. If you want to date, date. Think things are looking promising? Keep it going. Simply CBA? No worries, stay home – have a pamper night and focus on yourself. Make cuffing season work for you no matter what you’re wanting.


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As we said, it’s important to remember that a relationship is not the be all and end all! Realistically it’s your loved one’s who are going to appreciate you the most this season so don’t loose sight of what’s truly important. Balance is key babe! Plus, with just six months to go until hot girl Summer is officially back… It could just be worth waiting it out.

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