New Year’s Resolutions To Stick To | The 411 | PLT

New Year’s Resolutions To Stick To

31 | 12 | 2018

The new year is just around the corner!

The time of year where we make our lists of resolutions, where let’s face it, half of the list we never succeed with. Let’s make it easy for you, below are our favourite resolutions to stick to for 2019.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves, choose one or two that suits you!


#1 Be positive

Get rid of all the grudges and reduce those stress levels! Spend more time with people that matter and smile if anyone is rude to you. Guys, you got to be nicer to yourselves and embrace every moment. Compliment someone today and hug your friends’ goodbye.



#2 Learn a new skill or hobby

Let’s be real, we all need to watch less TV. Why not try being more creative? Take up a skill like knitting or crochet? Drawing or painting? Or learn a new language? Get those brains, hands and creative juices working. You’ll feel more fulfilled for it.



#3 Exercise more

Exercising is said to improve brain performance and increase productivity which is also perfect for starting that new hobby. It’s a no-brainer to up those workouts because it prevents signs of ageing and improves the look of your skin. Exercise also helps with your self-confidence which will add to your positivity.



#4 Volunteer and give more to charity

Volunteering is said to help with stress, anger and anxiety which is all round good for the mind. It provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment and teaches you something larger than yourself. You can also see volunteering as a new way to meet new friends that share common interests.



#5 Social switch off

Switching off your social media is hands down a great way to reduce your anxiety and help you sleep better at night. Removing yourself from social media reminds you of all the other stuff you like to do, instead of craving what other people are doing, this will help free your mind to picking up that new skill or hobby. We spend a lot of our time scrolling through social media and reacting and connecting with friends on there, pick the phone up instead and have a more meaningful catch-up.


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