Bored of scrolling through a basic AF Insta feed? Wanna spice up your morning scroll?
Start off your day right with our fave fluffy friends.
Suki Cat @sukiicat
Meet the Bengal Cat who’s travelled more than you. Together with her humans, (and a sense of adventure rivalling any dog), she hikes meowntins in the Canadian wilderness. Leash trained, and lover of road trips, Suki is proof that kitties are cable of a lot more than they have been given credit for!
The Dogist @thedogist
Created in 2013 by Elia Weiss Friedman, The Dogist was created as a happy place for dog lovers everywhere. Inspired by Humans of New York, Friedman set to the streets with just a camera and a squeaky ball to capture the cutest puppers of the world.
Pumpkin the Raccoon @pumpkintheraccoon
Picture this: an orphaned, one-month-old baby raccoon falls out of your garden tree. It doesn’t sound like real life, right? But it was for Rosie Kemp. She decided to take in the tiny cub and name her Pumpkin, and tbh, we’re really glad she did. Living in the Bahamas, where there are no raccoon rescues, Pumpkin now lives with her unlikely doggo siblings (and thinks she’s one of them).
Juniper Fox @juniperfoxx
Born into captivity and rescued from a fur-farm, Juniper and adopted brother Fig, are living out their best lives in a home full of rescued exotics. Because of their terrible start in life, Juniper and Fig are unable to be released into the wild, but live full lives, filled with love and fun times with their adoptive family.
Round Boys @round.boys
Round Boys is the Insta account that we never knew we needed in our lives. Marvelling at the wonder of these adorable creatures, you can see everything from perfectly groomed pups, to chunky but funky cats, amongst every other circular animal you could ever think of.