Why We're Obsessed With These Instagram Dog Accounts | The 411 | PLT

Why We’re Obsessed With These Instagram Dog Accounts

26 | 08 | 2021


Happy International Dog Day!


Why We’re Obsessed With These Instagram Dog Accounts


The chance to share cute dog pics? Of course we’re here for it!


To celebrate International Dog Day we’re sharing all the dog Instagram accounts that we love here at PrettyLittleThing.

These are all the cute dog Insta accounts you’re going to love just as much as we do!


*spoiler – they are all really cute*



Imagine the Humans Of New York Instagram but with dogs..

Yes you read that write! Pups on a worldwide basis each with a story to share. An actual dog lovers dream!



You know those days when you catch a dog doing something really strange.. this is basically endless scrolling of silly fun things that dogs get up to.

Trust us, you’re guaranteed a laugh on the daily thanks to this account.



Boop. My. Nose. Do we even need to say anything else? A feed full of (very cute) close up nose boops!



A must follow when it comes to seeing dogs doing cute things! Which of course we all want to see.

With 5 million followers it’s safe to say this is a social hot spot for dog lovers (and we can definitely see why).



You might already be following Thoughts Of Dog on Twitter but if you’ve ever wondered what probably goes through your dogs mind or what they may think about then here’s your answer.. Priceless!


Enjoy scrolling all the cuteness for the rest of International Dog Day!

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