Your Guide to Cuffing Season and Dating | The 411 | PLT

Your Guide to Cuffing Season

07 | 08 | 2018

Time to wash away a glorious summer of sins and get ready to be one less lonely girl. That’s right, September doesn’t just mean back to work, welcome to cuffing season.

What’s cuffing season you ask? Only a singleton’s prime time to find THE ONE and settle down for a winter full of fire-side dates, gift giving and Christmas market trips.



Cuffing season begins when summer starts to wind down, the weather gets colder and shorter days mean prolonged indoor activity. Cuffing season is that period of time where us singles feel the urge to settle as the temperature drops. Ever notice yourself yearning for a relationship as autumn starts? That’s all down to cuffing season!


It’s only natural that the desire to ‘cuff’ somebody directly correlates with an increased desire to cuddle up under a blanket, binge-watching the latest season of your fave TV show. So much so, that many dating apps see an increase in use between autumn and winter!


So, how do you stay on top of your game this cuffing season? Unofficially known as Pre-Season; September to November is prime time to get out there and flirt the night away. Those all-important events like Halloween and Bonfire night are the ideal time to meet potential ‘cuffs’.


However – if you still find yourself  on the prowl as December hits, don’t break out the rom-coms and chocolate just yet! A Christmas Do is the perfect opportunity to meet that special someone under the mistletoe.



And if you’re not into organised fun like that, dating apps are the most efficient ways to recruit a cuffing buddy, without even having to leave the house! Don’t worry girl, we won’t judge you for googling “new dating apps” to maximise your pool! But don’t limit yourself to the first pretty boy you find! Shop around and make sure you find the perfect match for you.


But of course, finding a date for the winter is NOT the be all and end all. If the thought of being single as the months pass you by sends you into emotional overdrive, remember, in an age of situationships, Tinder dates and a lack of communication it’s harder than ever to find someone to hold you down.


Realistically, all you need to take you through these cold and windy months is your fave girls! Why settle for the lonely girls ice cream tub for one and re-watching Love Actually for the hundredth time on your own, when you can grab a multi-pack deal and lust over young Hugh Grant surrounding by your day ones? Boyfriend or no boyfriend the only people you really need to hold you down are your best pals!


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