Summer is upon us so check out the latest celestial happenings coming your way in June.
We’re living in very strange times but we got this! Keep that energy up and hopefully soon its Pino Colado-o’clock.
Stay safe x
Your June Horoscope
You’re going through an evolution, Aries.
You’re yearning to try something new and break free from the cycle you’ve been in lately, (same sis).
Perhaps you’ve felt like you haven’t been living your truest life, or found it difficult to express yourself. June will bring a fresh energy and you’ll feel like nothing is out of your reach. Get planning for what you want to achieve.
By the 27th you’ll be feeling strong and decisive – like the Boss B*tch you are.
Use this time to think of money moves and what you want to achieve next.
You’re so good at keeping yourself busy, Taurus.
You’re emailing, tidying, organising, Zoom-ing non-stop and you need to take a bit of a chill, girl.
Make time for yourself and stick on a face-mask.
Are you running around making everyone else life easier except your own?
Have a think about the flow of your life atm and if it’s going how you want. A change may be needed.
Treat yourself to some retail therapy at the end of the month. It’s time to think about just you.
Feeling conflicted, Gem?
Your two sides are really showing this month as the air fills with BIG Gemini energy.
Try to embrace Gemini season and put it to productive use. Think about moves you want to make be it career, money or love.
You might be feeling frustrated and even a bit reckless, but with a little focus, you’ll be sure to keep on track.
Try and keep the purse string tight this month and avoid unnecessary spending. No, you don’t need another crop top.
No time for self-doubt this month, Cancer.
Time to hit that refresh button and give yourself a recharge.
Focus on wellness this month and understanding what works for you. Whether that’s daily exercise or less screen time – it’s personal to you but wellness is key.
You might be looking to the past at the moment. Don’t cling on to bygone mistakes – remind yourself that you’re constantly evolving and growing. Every so often you need to check-in with yourself and let go of issues that are longer important.
It’s all about that new-new this month.
You’re feeling creative this month, Leo.
Use that energy to paint, decorate, build – whatever soothes your soul.
Keep yourself entertained as your creative energy flows around the early part of the month.
You’re often the soul of a party but don’t feel like you can’t take a time out and get some solo time either.
Leo birthday season begins in July so this month is the perfect time to take it easy and get ready for all the fun to come.
Time for a change, Virgo?
The full moon on the 5th brings with it the opportunity to change your surroundings.
Whether that means reconsidering your living situation or letting an old relationship go – it’s all coming to the forefront now.
It’s not always easy, but you can certainly handle it.
You’ll feel like a pillar of support for friends this month and their neediness might grate on you. Try and remember they turn to you for your sound advice and that some people are just a little more sensitive than you are.
You know better than anyone that life is a balancing act, Libra.
This month you’ll be making connections and focusing on getting your career levelled up.
Focus is a great thing to have, just be careful not to step on any toes with your bold charisma.
Remember that through difficult times such as these that other people may have a different outlook than you.
Keep putting that energy to good use – just don’t expect the same level of energy from others.
It’s been a tense time eh, Scorpio.
Feelings of unease keep creeping in about work, finances and even your social circle.
You crave safety and stability at the moment and you need to trust that everything is still on your side.
Usually, you would be travelling and living your best summertime life. This year, you need to adapt and pick up a hobby or try a staycation (when permitted) to fulfil that desire.
Later this month you’ll be feeling ready to explore a new side to yourself – just stay open-minded to what that may be.
Keep radiating those good vibes, Sag.
You’ve been feeling fun and playful recently and keeping those closest to you in high spirits.
The full moon might have you digging up past issues/grudges and revaluating how you handled them.
However, processing these thoughts means you can truly begin to let them go and relieve yourself of the burden.
Clearing out that (metaphorical) closet can mean opening yourself up to new opportunities and life experiences.
Don’t get petty Capricorn, get better.
This month it’s best to avoid unnecessary drama or petty disagreements and rise above them.
You’re an honest and direct talking sign but at times it’s best to hold your tongue for the sake of peace.
This month your key relationships will stand out to you and just how important of a network they have become.
By the end of the month, it might become clear that some relationships aren’t quite right. Try to compromise and move forward, but if you can’t maybe that’s a sign to get gone.
All dressed up and nowhere to go, Aquarius?
You’re craving social interaction, so get those phone calls and video chats going and remind yourself you have a great crew.
Lend an ear to a friend in need – we’re normally so tied up with work and general life that we sometimes forget to have a deeper chat with our pals. Now is the perfect time to address that.
The second half of the month is a great time to focus on making yourself feel good. Look after your body and give it what it needs – whether that be exercise or rest. Caring for yourself will leave you feeling restored and ready to take on the summer.
Lockdown fatigue hitting you hard, Pisces?
You’re feeling like you’ve had enough of the space you’re in but now is not the time to wage a war.
Aim for a peaceful vibe and avoid telling your uncle what you really think of him for now.
Now is not the time to catastrophise. Even if you feel like all your hope and ideas for this year have been sidelined.
Keep that chin up and keep reminding yourself this is an alien situation for all of us and it will get better.
You got this girl – you SO got this.