Never miss the signs!
Whether you’re new to the dating scene or class yourself as a certified dating queen, first date red flags should seriously not be ignored.
Mouth wide open whilst eating? Can we not!
Continually telling you how they are ‘not like the others’ – Ok, but we only just met, let me be the judge of that…
Today on the PrettyLittleThing blog we’re sharing first date red flags you need to know about.
#1. They are late – but don’t actually let you know
Of course we’re not on about if someone gets stuck in traffic, delayed trains etc. that happens to the best of us. But, if you’re stood waiting for your date and are yet to hear a single word from them to say they are running late… Major red flag!
How long we waiting? It’s a tough call but if you’re not able to get in touch/you have not received a text to let you know they are still on their way, we’re saying 20 mins tops doll. Sorry, we are here for maximum effort only.
#2. They aren’t present
You know the vibe, not really listening to a word you say, checking their socials when you’re sat right there.
No thank you!
#3. They are rude to the waiter
This is a big one! How somebody reacts to the bar server/waiter tells a lot about them as a person. Being rude or bad manors are seriously not the one.
#4. They bring up their ex – a lot!
Sure, discuss past relationships if that is the route the conversation takes but if all they do is talk about their ex, then maybe they are not quite over them… Also if all they have to say about their ex is bad things – could this be an additional red flag?
#5. They are uncomfortable with a difference of opinion
If your date tries to make you feel like you’re wrong or puts you down about a particular opinion you have/a certain hobby you enjoy then don’t just look past this – sure it’s the first date and all but trust us, you’ll regret it in the long run. Anybody who is prepared to judge anything you do (especially so quickly) is 100% not the one. Thank you, next!
Now we know what to look out for, let’s get prepping that first date outfit!
The Ultimate Guide To First Date Dressing
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