5 Ways To Keep Him On His Toes | The 411 | PLT

5 Ways To Keep Him On His Toes

19 | 09 | 2018


Is it just me or are guys always keeping us on our toes? We wait on their every text back and when they will next ask to see us. We’re all guilty of holding off on plans with the girls just in case he happens to ask to see us. If you turned down his offer to catch up it’s a guarantee that he would be cool and just rearrange. They’re simple souls and probably find it quite attractive that you did essentially ‘pie’ him.


We need to take back control and keep them on their toes. Here’s our guide to the 5 steps for playing hard to get.


#1 Don’t text him back… Like ever

OK, we’re not serious. BUT you should seriously wait like 7 hours to reply. And most importantly, whilst you aren’t replying to him, put up endless insta stories to show how much you’re living your best life.


5 Ways to keep him on his toes


#2 Make sure you’re looking fire when he’s away

This is probably the easiest and quickest way to get his attention when you’re not together. You can’t do this alone. Get your friends on picture duty and post a cheeky selfie (read: thirst trap).


5 Ways to keep him on his toes


#3 Make him aware you have other options

You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, tell him you will ‘let him know’. Tell him you might be able to swap things around or that you can do the following night instead. If he changes his plans for you, then you really know how much he wants to see you.


5 Ways to keep him on his toes


#4 Make him know that he was lucky you even swiped right

Know your worth and own it. The more confidence and secure you are in yourself and what you have to offer in a relationship the stronger you will be, both as a person and a partner.



#5 Have valuable ‘me’ time

There’s nothing more attractive to a man than an independent woman, spend time on yourself, do what you need to do and then see him. A woman that takes pride in her appearance and health is a WIN WIN for a guy and most importantly a WIN WIN for yourself.


5 Ways to keep him on his toes

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