Fitness Resolutions To Stick To | The 411 | PLT

Fitness Resolutions To Stick To

27 | 11 | 2018

The New Year is fast approaching and you know what that means, everyone getting their arse’s in the gym and trying to cut the crap. Sometimes, we put too much pressure on ourselves and cave at the first hurdle and that’s IT until the following year. But no, not this year.

Fitness Resolutions To Stick To

We have created some New Year’s resolutions that we think are totally doable. They are perfect for anyone trying to improve their health and are something that will last more than the first week of Jan.


#1 Get Moving


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No matter what it is, just do it! GET MOVING. Whether it is a gym class, walking or a new hobby you wanted to try, get your body moving and you’ll be forever thankful! People only ever regret being lazy, and never regret being active!


#2 Meditate More



Take some time to breathe. As well as physical exercise, meditation is a great way to relieve stress. It is the perfect way to take 2 mins out of your hectic day and just BREATHE. Meditating promotes emotional and mental wellness, and this New Year we are enhancing our health in more than just a physical way!


#3 Allow Recovery Time


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When you are smashing out all of your new amazing New Year Resolutions, make sure you allow your body to recover in between. Stretching is a great way to promote muscle recovery and can increase flexibility – winner winner! Also, for that REAL fitness junkie, using a foam roller after a workout is a great way to reduce muscle soreness!


#4 Set Goals


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Set goals. No matter how small or large, give yourself something to work towards to maintain motivation. Whether it’s to hit 10,000k steps a day, or to run a marathon, setting yourself a goal is key to making sure you keep your resolutions up!


#5 Step Outside Your Comfort Zone




This New Year, try and do ONE thing out of your comfort zone. It could be to go for a run on the road, attend a yoga class for the first time or anything that you have wanted to try. Do it! Everyone had to start somewhere, so why can’t it be you this 2019?



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