November is officially PLT Marketplace month.
You read that right… We’re picking 5 winners each week for the month of November to win 0% seller fee’s for A YEAR on #PLTMarketplace!
All you have to do to enter is show us a haul of your listings using #PLTMarketplace
Entries can be made on Instagram or TikTok but you must be following @prettylittlething to enter.
This is U.K only and all T&C’s can be found on prettylittlething.com
So, now you’re in the know!
Here are 5 easy steps to tackling a wardrobe clear out:
1. Take everything out of your wardrobe.
If we’re going to do it, we’re going to do it right, right?
Say cya to the days of rooting through heaps of clothes to find your fave jeans or go-to little black dress.
Lay everything out and start to look through.
2. Get rid of the things you’ll never wear.
We know it can be hard to get rid of pieces BUT if you have not worn the item in the past year then it could be time for it to go.
It’s also good to ask yourself if you saw the item whilst shopping now, would you rebuy? If it’s a no, then you know…
This is the perfect time to add these items to you PLT Marketplace pile – by listing these items later they can be resold and restyled by someone whos going to LOVE them.
A win-win, cash in the bank for you and a second lease of life for your pre-loved looks.
Follow the PLT guide to listing your PLT Marketplace pieces here.
3. Sort your clothes seasonally.
Pack away any items that don’t suit the season.
This will make it easier when prepping your outfits and also save space in your wardrobe.
Simply switch up your wardrobe when ready and transition for the season.
Stuck on where to store them? Why not try out a vacuum bag!
4. Organise your clothes by category or colour.
Try grouping your clothes by category or colour, this will make it easier when searching for a specific item in your wardrobe.
Not only that, talk about aesthetic! #Goals
5. Fold your knitwear.
Hanger damage is a no from us. Simply fold up your knits to stop them being stretched by hangers.
This will also save on space too. Pop them in a draw or invest in some extra in-wardrobe storage such as a hanging organiser.
Check out the PLT Instagram on more details about MARKETPLACE MONTH.
Looking to be a little more sustainable with your fashion choices? We got you.
Sustainable Fashion Tips
Check out PLT Marketplace here!