The 411 | PLT

Things To Consider Before Getting Back With An Ex


Big. Decisions.


Trust us, we get it.

It’s hard to overcome the feels especially when you are not sure if things actually are 100% done with your ex.

Whether you’ve stayed friends or gave in to the classic drunk dial after one too many drinks with the girls…

Today we’re sharing questions to ask yourself and seriously consider before you head back to your ex.

Sure second time can sometimes be a charm but, are they really right for you?



Are you romanticising the past? Do these feelings come from a place of loneliness?

Will you look back on this time in a few months and be grateful you didn’t reach out to rekindle the relationship?

Keep in mind why you broke up in the first place. How did the relationship actually serve you?

Was there cheating involved? Were they the one to call it quits? Did things spiral out of control?

It could just be a case of you holding onto the past.



Is wanting to try again coming from a place of false hope, will they really change?

Sorry to say it but, now is the time to be realistic.

If you don’t think they will change then truth is they probably won’t and it could be best to leave things be.

Take a break, maybe a new romantic interest has failed recently. Are you just looking to rebound to your ex?



If you resume the relationship, will the next breakup (if it goes that way) hurt even more?

Does your ex actually bring out the best in you? How did they make you feel?



If you do want to get back with your ex be sure to address why you broke up previously and discuss how it will be different this time. Unfortunately it’s not an overnight process and will take work.

There is nothing to say things won’t be even better than before, just make sure you are 100% happy and content within your relationship.



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