Why Too Much Social Media Can Be A Bad Thing | The 411 | PLT

Why Too Much Social Media Can Be A Bad Thing

05 | 01 | 2018

We think social media is all fun and games until we see something we don’t want to see, or you legit revolve your life around getting a picture for ‘the gram’. Did we really go out on Friday night if we didn’t put it on social? Did you really meet your mates new pup? Did you really drink prosecco if you didn’t pop the cork on boomerang LN?


Social Media

Social Media definitely has it’s pro’s but it also has mega evil cons, SRSLY. We need to remember that you only live once, there is so much more to life than sat admiring what someone else is doing… Make your own memories huns!


#1 You envy other peoples lives instead of your own

We become green-eyed monsters over people we follow on Instagram. Whether it’s the way they look, the places they visit, the dogs they have, we make it our mission to copy them. We like every picture and save it to our Instagram collections so we can look back on it later. It’s a good job influencers tag the brand in their pictures, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to shop their outfit for the weekend. You have your own minds huns, let’s use them!

Social Media


#2 You revolve your life around whats good for the gram

If you’re out for a meal or drinks you CANNOT enjoy it until you have got a good picture for your Instastory, come on bae’s your food will get cold, nobody cares what you had for your dinner. A group photograph or selfie could go on for hours if your lighting isn’t right. You become agitated by the lack of likes you receive on a picture or why your follower count keeps dropping, you might even delete the picture if it does that badly.
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#3 Addiction and withdrawal

OMG where’s my phone, something that goes through our minds almost every day, as though you have just lost an arm. You check Facebook every 5 minutes and you don’t know why. You haven’t posted on Instagram for a few days, so you post a picture from 2015 in Magaluf because it’s #ThrowbackThursday after all. New in a relationship? Social media is the devil, you and your BFF can spend ours stalking and tracking down information about a new bae, causing problems and creating stories before you even know the guy.

Social Media


Don’t aspire to be someone else, aspire to be a better version of yourself. Amen sisters!

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