Hangover Tips In Prep For Bank Holiday Weekend | The 411 | PLT

Hangover Tips In Prep For Bank Holiday Weekend

27 | 05 | 2021


Ok, we officially have out out plans for the Bank Holiday weekend!


This Bank Holiday we are actually allowed indoors! Which means thankfully the days of sitting outside (in the rain) whilst clutching a drink are over. With BIG plans on the cards the likelihood is, you’re going to be nursing a hangover at some point over the upcoming weekend. But, fear not as we have you covered!


Keep on scrollin’ sis for our top tips on how to keep your Bank Holiday hangover at bay!



Ok, we all know the feeling – slowly opening your eyes to check just how bad you actually feel. Whether its a solid 10/10 hangover or just enough to make you truly appreciate the additional day off work, these top tips will help you through not only this one but the many future hangovers to come.


First up, steps to take before the hangover even arrives..


1. Line that stomach, we’re talking a hearty meal before heading out-out

Eggs along with oats are both really great pre-drink foods as they are rich in protein and also leave you feeling fuller for longer. Plus, everyone’s faves – CARBS! Carbs will help to slow down your body’s absorption of alcohol.


2. Try not to mix too many drinks whilst out

We know it’s hard turning down those shots but try your best doll – you’ll be grateful in the AM.



3. Have a glass of water before bed

It’s the last thing on our minds too but, drinking a glass of water before you drift off will help rehydrate your body throughout the night.


4. Take your make up off

No excuses on this one, by no means are we expecting a double cleanse but try your best to take off what you can.



You’ve woken up and it’s here!


5. Sleep as long as possible

Trust us – the more sleep you get the easier the hangover will be. If you wake up early, try going back to sleep, if you try and can no longer stay in bed then just be sure to have a nap later in the day.


6. Take a shower

We know, when hungover the thought of any kind of movement can make us shudder but a shower as soon as you wake up will help. Once showered why not put on your fave pj’s or loungewear to keep cosy.



7. Eat breakfast

Or if it’s already the PM, just make sure to eat as soon as you can. Something easy to digest will be perfect.


8. Let yourself relax

Don’t put any pressure on yourself to feel productive – instead, just focus on letting your body get back to feeling 100% and appreciate the new memories you made whilst out! (Along with the unreal Insta pic you’re ready to post later).



9. Make the most of your chill day

Once you feel up to it why not order in your fave take away, put on a film or catch up on Netflix. You could even have a pamper evening if you feel up to it!


10. Don’t bother saying it..

We all know you’re going to drink again!



Shop out-out looks worthy of your Bank Holiday hangover here.

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