How To Stay Motivated In Your Online Uni Classes | The 411 | PLT

How To Stay Motivated In Your Online Uni Classes

03 | 09 | 2020

There’s no denying that starting uni will definitely feel different this year.

Whilst lectures are likely to be online and there may not be as many nights out as you’d planned, for anyone starting uni this September, you’ve 100% got this.

If you’re wondering how you’re going to stay motivated when you’re studying from home, then we’ve got you covered.

Peep below for all on our best tips for studying at home.


Get Organised

Getting organised will instantly make you feel more motivated.

Make yourself a timetable for the week, just as if you were physically at uni.

This will help you manage your time better and could help feel less overwhelmed when lectures start to amp up throughout the term.


Set Goals

Setting yourself goals always helps boost motivation.

Write down a list of goals that you want to achieve out of your first term at uni and set some deadlines.

Your goals could be as simple as doing 2 online lectures a week or reading a certain amount of books from your recommended reading list.

Whatever you’re wanting to get out of uni, set yourself some goals and try your best to achieve them.


Take Regular Breaks

It can be difficult to concentrate on a screen for a long time, especially when it comes to learning new topics.

Remember to give yourself regular breaks where you can get away from the screen.

This will help boost your concentration for those periods of time when you’re at your desk as you’ll feel much more refreshed.


Be Social

Even though you might not be physically meeting your new classmates, you can always get to know them online.

Look out for any Facebook or WhatApp groups being made for you course and try join them.

This will help you remember that even though you make be studying on your own, you’re definitely not alone in this. There will be other people on your course going through the exact same thing so you can help keep each other motivated.

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