Ok, none of us saw this coming but here it is and it’s safe to say 2020 is just not our year so far. With our lives as we know them drastically changed for the time being, a lot of us are adjusting to getting to grips with the lockdown measures in different ways.
If you’re currently on lockdown in a flat share, this can make an already difficult situation even more difficult. Are you currently in a house share and are feeling like three+ is definitely a crowd? Maybe your current flatmate was sourced from the endless wonder that is the internet and you’re still in the getting to know each other phase? Let’s face it, even if you normally get on well with the other people you’re living with, during these particularly unsettling times tensions will be high and it is understandable emotions can easily over spill.
To help you through this, we’ve put together our best tips to help you live as harmoniously as possible whilst in a flat share on lockdown. After all, we’re all in this together.
Now, more than ever, we need to be clear on what we’re thinking and feeling. This is a scary and uncertain time for us all, so to avoid any further upset with arguments erupting, communication is key.
As most of us will be battling it out over one bathroom and living in less than ample sized flats, we need to make sure we keep on top of cleanliness RN and ensuring everything is properly cleaned after use, Gov rules! Drawing up a rota so everyone knows exactly what their tasks are and when is an easy but effective way to keep on top of this.
A friendship that runs on respect and a mutual understanding will be a flourishing one. Make the time (after all, we have plenty of it) to ask the people you’re living with how you can all make living together easier during this time. Listen to what the other party has to say and set boundaries if boundaries need to be set.
Getting that much needed alone time whilst living in a flat share might seem impossible right now. Particularly when usually you might be out doing your own thing, ensuring you both get ample time alone in the flat whilst enjoying each other’s company in healthy doses. Try not to all be in the kitchen at the same time when one person is cooking and if needs be, eat meals in the privacy of your bedroom. It will give you time to recharge and not to overcrowd the communal areas at any one time.
The Government have said there’s no need to jump into a state of alarm and go out buying more toilet roll than you can possibly use (even after 5 jalfrezis a day), so it goes without saying to be wary of stockpiling. Be conscious of each other’s designated storage areas. There’s only so much shared space in the fridge and kitchen cupboards and small things can easily unnecessarily enrage you if you’re stuck in a small space together for the foreseeable.
Possibly the most important stance we can take right now during lockdown. It goes without saying you are each other’s support right now. Lean on each other. Support each other and have each other’s back. We need each other now, more than ever.